Uses if cow dung ash 1. For cleaning drinking water- Cow dung ash - TopicsExpress


Uses if cow dung ash 1. For cleaning drinking water- Cow dung ash of Desi cows is an excellent water purifier. All harmful bacteria are killed just by adding a pinch or two of Desi cow dung ash in few liters of water. This option of adding cow dung ash is so cheap that anyone can afford it. It has absolutely no side effects. 2. For cleaning Vessels - Cow dung ash could be used very efficiently for cleaning vessels as well. This is again a very cheap alternative to all chemical washing powders. First of all these chemical powders for washing vessels are very costly compared to cow dung ash. Also as it happens that some powder does remain on vessels even after cleaning thoroughly. Even if few milligrams remains, still the chemical powder is very toxic when goes inside human body. On other hand cow dung ash powder is not only safe but in fact beneficial. Even after washing the pot if some ash powder remains on vessels it is not an issue. 3. For Diabetic patients -Many times, especially diabetic patients have wounds on legs and hands which become very difficult to cure. If we apply cow dung ash on these wounds then the wounds gets healed and that too quickly. We can apply cow dung ash on any wound being aware of its anti septic properties. By modern medicines, diabetic patients find it very difficult to cure the wounds on their legs and sometimes the situation goes to the limit of amputating the limb. 4. As pesticide in agriculture - Cow dung ash has a wide use as pesticide in agriculture. It can be simply sprinkled on crops and even if it falls on food or land it is beneficial rather than harmful as modern chemical pesticides are. 5. For preserving grains - Cow dung ash was used for preserving grains. This ash can save India from debts of World Bank. The ash which is left over after using dung for fuel may not have any monetary value but it is actually precious. Previously kings used to preserve grains in their granary for use in drought years. They would preserve the grains like jowar etc for 12 years without damage. They would take grains and mix them with equal quantity of cow dung ash and then store them in their granaries for years. Even in normal curse common people could store grains at home in this way for 2-3 years in their earth storage tanks. 6. For chicken pox patients - After a patient suffers from chicken pox there are rashes on the body. These rashes take long time to cure and the spots fade very slowly. But if we regularly apply cow dung ash paste on rashes they go away quickly and no spots remain after that.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 10:45:26 +0000

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