Usually if plan A fails we have a plan B. But, today a plan C had - TopicsExpress


Usually if plan A fails we have a plan B. But, today a plan C had to be worked out in a few minutes. The 100th birthday public celebration of Michel Dsouza was at 5pm and he was down with high fever at 4pm and it was not coming down. He is averse to medication of any type and we were in a spot. The audience was waiting and getting restless! So, a plan C had to be taken up and we brought his niece and her granddaughter to the venue and made them accept the honours on his behalf. To the disappointed audience we promised to organise an interaction with him on another date in the near future. Was it because of over work and excitement? His grand niece told us that he was awake up to 3am ironing his clothes and getting ready for the big event. He hardly had any food today except for a little breakfast. In the last week there have been too many TV shoots, interviews by journalists and the lot. That made me wonder whether I am responsible for this? I also thought that we should screen him from the public for some time and then have an interaction after he fully recovers without any other program on that day. Well, here are the photos. The public had the thrust the honors on his great grand daughter who is in the picture. You can also his niece Regina(elder brothers daughter) and her granddaughter Mylin in one of the pictures The cake specially made by Manoj is also in one of the photos and the jam packed audience who had to face this anti climax! Mr.M.Sitaram who took a leading role in organising this can be also seen.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:29:57 +0000

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