Usually when conferences roll around, I steel myself to hear about - TopicsExpress


Usually when conferences roll around, I steel myself to hear about charlies struggles in the classroom... He is often his own worst enemy... He has virtually no impulse control... He has been blessed with wonderful teachers who have work so hard with him trying to teach him impulsivity control... They all say he is sweet and helpful, but cannot control himself... At the beginning of every year, I contact the teacher so we can work together to help him..... This year, I did just that and waited and waited for his teacher to call me with updates of how hard he is trying, but never quite succeeding.. My poor son often feels stupid because he struggles to focus and control himself.... Well... She never contacted me... Then, today she made me cry...At our conference today, she smiled and told me how much she liked my son... Yes, he can drive her crazy, but he so sweet and endearing that she works even harder with him... She totally gets who he is... She can tell when he needs a break, and lets him talk a walk to clear his head and redirect himself (previous teachers have as well)...she sees him struggling to focus and she gives him every opportunity to succeed... She lets him sit everywhere but his dreaded desk to do his work...She is teaching him to turn his weaknesses into strengths ... And she is teaching him coping skills... And he is succeeding!!! I felt so good walking out of that classroom, I was floating... Its not like his other teachers havent said many positive things about him, they all did... But I always felt he was fighting a losing battle with his ADHD... I always felt like I was giving excuses for him... Ive felt frustrated bc he struggles so much in school and I. KNoW he is a bright .... I never understood how much his ADHD gets in his way... He has to struggle to focus and control himself and get his work done... Ive been so worried about what will happen next year in middle school... Today, I left feeling like we can do this... I just wish I could bring this amazing woman with me... Thank you to her and to all of the wonderful teachers who have worked so hard with him... You are all so special to me for so many different reasons....
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:53:12 +0000

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