VACCINES AND AUTISM. Probably the most common misconception and - TopicsExpress


VACCINES AND AUTISM. Probably the most common misconception and myth, Vaccines cause Autism,Not just the famous Andrew Wakefield MMR fraud but ALL vaccines cause autism and a host of other neurological conditions. According to Quack Osteopath and relentless antivax campaigner Sherri J Tenpenny,Vactruth another horrendous antivax ,fear mongering page also include Autism as well as the completely ridiculous and unfounded Shaken Baby Syndrome, Also well known for their graphic falsification of infant fatalities due to vaccines ( Lets just stop there,shall we?) Thimerosol The famous thimerosol that leaves children vaccine damaged and vaccine injured leaves them like toxic soup, thimerosol which is an organic compound containing mercury, enters the body and is broken down into thiosalicylate and ethylmercury,these are eliminated from the human body easily UNLIKE Methylmercury or elemental mercury which is in the environment when mercury metal is present. Methylmercury can be present in your system from eating large amounts of some fish and some other foods, the mercury in a tin of canned fish takes longer to leave the body than mercury from a vaccine!!! There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that thimerosal is a safety concern. The ONLY reason vaccine manufacturers have removed it from vaccines is precautionary and to decrease overall mercury exposure in small infants, it remains in the multi-dose inactivated influenza vaccine as a preservative to inhibit the growth of dangerous microbes...The MMR doesnt and NEVER has contained thimerosal..FACT!!!! Andrew Wakefield -- Probably one the most damaging fraudsters in medical history. He is a former british surgeon and researcher well known for his fraudulent 1998 research paper that there is a link between the administration of the MMR vaccine and the appearance of Autism and bowel disease. Any other researchers were unable to reproduce Wakefields findings of the link between the MMR and autism or confirm his hypothesis, including Autism and bowel/gastrointestinal disease In 2004 British journalist Brian Deer of The Sunday Times uncovered and undisclosed financial conflicts of interests on Wakefields part and most of his co-authors withdrew support for his study. The British Medical Council then conducted an inquiry into allegations of professional misconduct against Wakefield and two of his former colleagues, the investigation centred on Brian Deers findings that Autistic children were subjected to invasive and unnecessary medical procedures, including colonoscopy and lumbar puncture and bowel biopsies, Wakefield had also acted without any ethical approval from an institutional review board, which was necessary. In January 2010, a statutory tribunal consisting of 5 members found Wakefield three dozen charges proved,including counts of dishonesty and 12 counts of involving abuse of developmentally challenged children, The tribunal ruled that Wakefield had failed in his duties as a responsible consultant and acted against his patients dishonestly and irresponsibly . The lancet (medical journal) fully withdrew his study because of the general medical councils findings and because elements of the publication had been falsified. In May 2010 Wakefield was struck off the medical register and is barred from practicing medicine in the UK. His link regarding MMR and Autism has been scientifically discredited time and time again. In January 2011 a publication along with an article from Brian Deer in the British Medical Journal identified that Wakefields work was an elaborate fraud in articles that followed it was revealed that Wakefield had planned to launch a venture on the back of the MMR scare that would profit from new medical investigations. In November 2011 another article revealed that contrary to Wakefields findings in the Lancet, the children involved in his research did not have inflammatory bowel disease. It was also discovered that Wakefield had applied for patents to produce single mumps,measles and rubella vaccine leading up to his MMR scare. Because of Wakefields claims that the MMR Vaccine may lead to Autism, vaccination rates have declined in the UK, Ireland and United States, which in turn has led to an increase in measles and mumps,with serious illness ensuing and fatalities in some cases. It has also led to a general distrust in vaccines which has led to a re-emergence of diseases that were previously controlled. Since 2012 515 children have died from measles a disease that had been mostly eradicated prior to the Wakefield scare. Wakefield to this day has continued to defend his research and carries with him a large cult following. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=F_RI2Nf-Z08 pediatrics.about/od/immunizations/tp/Anti-Vaccine-Myths-and-Misinformation.htmlo upworthy/16-years-ago-a-doctor-published-a-study-it-was-completely-made-up-and-it-made-us-all-sicker?c=ufb4 skepticalraptor/skepticalraptorblog.php/andrew-wakefield-fraud-extraordinaire/ bmj/content/342/bmj.c7452 bmj/content/342/bmj.c5347 briandeer/mmr-lancet.htm everywhere-explode/
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 20:14:08 +0000

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