VARNAS ARE DIFFERENT FROM CASTES !! All of us have heard of these - TopicsExpress


VARNAS ARE DIFFERENT FROM CASTES !! All of us have heard of these two words- - Varnas and castes. These words have been used in our scriptures innumerable times. Many scholars including the famous Trimathacharyas namely Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhwacharyas have interpreted the two words as synonyms only ! The sad thing is that, both are entirely different in meaning. Varnas are four in number and are famous as Chatur varnas. Varna means passion, inclination, orientation of a person to do some work. It is a type of categorization or classification of people of the entire world into four major groups based on the Guna , karma, svabhava of each individual. Lord sri Krishna says in Gita ch 4 verse 13, I have created the four Varnas – Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vysya and Shudra based on the guna, karma and svabhava of the souls. He further says, know that I am not the creator of this classification even though I have created them ! This is little bit surprising. Is it not ? The interesting point here is, Lord Sri Krishna says, though he has created the chaturvarnas, he is not going to classify any soul into any of these four categories RANDOMLY or on his own. The souls, by virtue of their guna, karma and svabhava do act according to their past samskaras or impressions. It is by their actions that the souls create eligibility or qualify themselves to be categorized into the four varnas. Hence, the true decider is the individual soul only and not the Lord. This is why Krishna says, though I am the Creator … Lord is neither partial nor biased. We are totally responsible for the varnas we are born in. In other words, we have chosen our varnas. God realization being the goal of every soul, the Brahmana varna is considered highest to be attained; because, the duties of a Brahmin are directly connected with learning and teaching (adhyayana and adhyapana) of Vedas, Upanishads and other texts dealing with Brahma jnana or the knowledge of the Parabrahman. Compassion, Truthfulness, penance, forgiveness etc are the main qualities of anyone aspiring to be a Brahmin. A Brahmin is a TEACHER OR BODHAKA basically. SPIRITUALITY is the hallmark of a Brahmin. The Kshatriyas are the ruling community. They are rulers or administrators. Courage , sacrifice, martial skills required to protect the people are the main qualifications of a Kshatriya. He is a PROTECTOR or RAKSHAKA basically. In the same way, the main qualities of a Vysya are that of a businessman. TRADE & COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, CATTLE AND SHEEP REARING etc. In fact, Vysyas are Wealth creators for the society. He is a bhogi or one who is after pleasurable pursuits or Vishaya sukha. MATERIALISM is the hallmark of a Vysya. He is a VARTAKA OR A TRADESMAN. Lastly, a SHUDRA is one who lacks intelligence i.e one who is having low intellectual standards. He cannot decide things on his own and requires the guidance of all the other three varnas . Hence, he is expected to serve the other three varnas and carry out their orders or instructions to earn a livelihood. HARD LABOUR and SERVICE are the hallmarks of a shudra. He is called a SEVAKA. It is very clear from the above explanation that, every one of us have a choice to become a BRAHMIN, a KSHATRIYA, a VYSYA or a shudra. The four varnas are in existence in all the countries of the world in one form or the other and will continue to exist in future also. It is interesting to note that the varnas are based on our profession that we select. Our Varna changes the moment we change our profession. We all have a choice to become what we want and nobody will force us. We all have the freedom of action but are bound by the results of our actions, according to GITA Verse 47 of ch 2.. Karmanyevadhikarasthe…… Varnas are created by God. Varnas are interchangeable and flexible. We can change to any Varna we want by practicing the duties prescribed for each Varna. Usually, we are all Chaturvarniyas only, doing the duties of all the four Varnas at times. Our predominant work for livelihood decides our Pradhana or Major varna. Satva, rajas and tamas are the trigunas which trigger action in us. Attaining Trigunateeta stage or growing beyond trigunas is the ultimate goal to become a God realized soul. Castes, on the other hand are created by man and hence, are man made, not divine. Caste system binds a man from birth to death and sadly even after death! Caste system conditions every one. There is no growth, no progress. Untouchability is man made and needs to be condemned and deserves to be discarded forthwith. It is astonishing to note that except in Gita verse 43 of ch 1 nowhere is the word JAATI meaning today’s caste used. That too, Arjuna uses this word, but, Lord Sri Krishna has Never Used it. Krishna was secular and never supported caste system. Brahmana is purely Satvik, Kshatriya is predominantly Rajasik n secondarily Satvik. i.e. Rajopradhana Satva guni, Vysya is predominantly Rajasik n secondarily Tamasik. i.e. Rajopradhana Tamo guni. Shudra is predominantly Tamasik and secondarily Rajasik. i.e. Tamopradhana Rajo guni. He sowed the seeds of democracy. Lord Sri Krishna was both a REFORMER and a REVOLUTIONARY even in his times. Krishnam vande jagadgurum.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 16:21:38 +0000

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