VDIMENSION Going into incubator and looking for talents! I am - TopicsExpress


VDIMENSION Going into incubator and looking for talents! I am currently building a 5 person team to bring VDimension on IOS (I-phone, I-Pad) using Unity engine. My team must be built by the end of October 2013. We will then go through a selection process based on the quality of the team and potential of the project up to December 2013. If we are chosen to be mentored, the work would start in January 2014. This is a long term opportunity, and you can read more details about the incubator here: executionlabs/en/ The VDimension franchise is 23 years of lore in the making, and the game we will be developing already has 7 years of development and play testing on sketch board. You will therefore be able to test the full product before taking the decision to embark into this journey. The game is a turn base strategy/adventure CCG. (Collectible card game) We are mixing the best elements of card games, with those of a board game. It has both, a single and multiplayer mode. A match is played with 2-4 players. The full game will have 450 cards, but we intend to release the game with 50 cards as free to play, and sell other cards as downloadable contents progressively after. Our gaming philosophy: The game is about adaptation, not metagaming. We target intermediate to hardcore gamers who likes this genre. You will be competitive by using theme decks, or by creating one of your own. This has allowed us to strike a chord with a type of audience larger than usual for this type of game as many people don’t like to bother with customization, but still like to play the game and feel like they are not at a disadvantage for not being good at deck construction. We offer them that opportunity. Bringing those 2 communities of gamers together is no doubt a feat that I’m really proud of. It’s also very important for us to maintain a model of free to play, not pay to win. (League of Legend style) The downloadable content will be there to make you feel more comfortable in your shoes, not make you run faster. The very high customization and game balance level of the game will allow this. JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Programmer -Knowledge and experience to program with Unity -C# is a huge advantage because it allows us to make applets for Windows 8 and I-phone with the same code -Programming of board interaction and card effects -Programming a multiplayer experience -Programming of an A.I. that will allow single player skirmishes. ================================================ Art Director -You will conceive and develop the whole visual identity of the VDimension franchise, from scratch. (I will give you the back story and my current vision for each character as a starting point) -You will be in charge of developing the interface of the game, along with 2D sprites for each character and also help in drawing the cards. -You will also have to synchronize the work of the 3 artists (2 junior, and yourself) to make it blend together. ================================================ 2D Artist (2) -Creating 2D Art work, mainly for the cards of the game -Creating 2D sprites of that art work, to be visual representation of the characters on the board. ================================================ Salaries: During the incubator phase, (6-12 months) we will all be earning 2000$/Month. If we manage a successful release, our salaries will be adjusted to reflect the market conditions and capacity of the company to pay, as we will be opening our own indie studio. You will also earn shares in the companies for being one of its founders. (To be negotiated, according to your background and projected contribution) The interviewing process will be one full day at my house, during which you will get to test the game thoroughly and learn about my long term plans for this franchise. It will also give me the opportunity to learn more about you and your skills, and see if you’re a match for what I’m trying to build. This is my life time project. I’m not going to drop the ball on anyone and I will be relentless in finding ways to make it an astounding success. So if you’re looking to be part of a team of pioneers that will create a franchise that has the potential to stand the test of time, please contact me through facebook or at my e-mail: Gamemaster_13@hotmail for an interview. Feel free to pass this message along if you know anyone that could be interested. Best reguards, -Seen Justice
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 10:40:40 +0000

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