VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ PLEASE SHARE AND PASS THIS ON TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN Right now in Illinois, classes can have a maximum of 30% of kids in a class with an IEP (individual evaluation plan). The reasoning for this is because those students need extra attention in certain areas. If more than 30% of the class had an IEP, it would hinder the learning of both regular students and special needs students. The Illinois State Board of Education is trying to eliminate ALL special education class size limits. Regular classes should not consist of more than 30% of the students with IEPs because children with special needs learn more effectively in a smaller setting. Special needs children have more problems than regular education children (from learning to health to behavioral) which will cause more interruptions in class. This isn’t accounting for all the different learning levels in a class size of 12. To turn that class size into 30 or more would be an injustice to these children. You need to listen to the experts. The experts are NOT the administrators, social works or psychologists; the experts are the teachers and parents who know, work, and live with these children on a daily basis. Please send an email to the Chairman of the State Board of Education, Gery Chico, at [email protected]. By sending this email, it will show the Illinois State Board of Education just how many people are opposed to this change. If this is allowed to happen in Illinois, it could easily spread to other states, which would affect thousands of kids across the country. Below I have a prewritten message that you can just copy and paste to your email. You are more than welcome to add anything to it that you would like. It won’t take more than a minute to do this, so please send this quick email to help thousands of students everywhere. Please copy and paste this email. I am against removing the 30% limit of students with IEPs in general education classes. This is not fair to children with IEP’s, regular education children, and teachers. How can you expect a teacher to properly instruct a class in which they have over 30% of the children in the room with an IEP? Do you know all of the information an IEP requires a teacher to follow? Do you know how difficult that will be? Do you know how much trouble a district can get into when a parent finds out the teacher is not following their child’s IEP because there are too many children in the class? Do you know how much regular education children will lose out because of all the extra time the teacher should be spending on the child with the IEP? You need to find a different way to cut corners and stop messing with children’s education.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 03:04:07 +0000

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