VGN Update-Super Mario Topic: Mario is a communist - TopicsExpress


VGN Update-Super Mario Topic: Mario is a communist !! Characters are always designed after something or inspired by someone. Zelda is the wife of a famous author,Links design is formally after Peter Pan and Miyamotos love for Disney.But what about Mario? His design is after the most evil communist around the entire globe. Stalin!! Mario resembles him by 100% and everyone has seem to have forgotten about that. From facial features to the signature mustache is all from Stalin. Even Marios cap is all Stalin. Ever wondered why Marios cap lappears to look original and not like anyone elses? well.....its because everyone forgot Stalin wore the exact cap but with a star on it.Marios main design colors are red and white, the same colors of the communist flag. I know Mario has blue but the blue wasnt marios signature sub-color until after someone caught on to the scheme and Nintendo tried to cover it up with lies as usual. They said Mario is red in order to contrast with the blue background. Now I design videogames and i can safely assure you that on the NES 8-bit palette red is not the contrast of blue. Orange or yellow is.Mario is also red because of being designed during the videogame crash. Thats also when asia/japan/russia and germany had problems.These problems included sweatshops and not being able to afford food. Inflation rates were so high that it took whole stacks of money to afford 1 loaf of bread. As a result the people set forth a revolution on march 7th known as the febuarary revolution. This lead to communism being born and money would be equally shared among all individuals. Communism made life in Asia,middle east and europe much easier. Mario was implemented among this and it exploded in japan as a sign of hope and strength.Back to Super Mario NES. Notice how Mario pulls down a flag with a skull on it? Well this is also what happened during the time of Marios development. In October an event known as the November revolution occured where a war broke loose to overthrow the communist rulers. A flag was pulled down in the name of freedom with a white flag with a red star on it. Now in Super Mario you pull down the death flag which represents opressing the king to put up the flag of the people , the white flag with a red star.Also during the time in the Americas was an issue against communism as a result Nintendo being pro-communists made Wario. What does Wario represent? well lets ask ourselves what is America? Ill tell you GREEDY. What is Wario? GREEDY.Wario does nothing but take all goods from locations thats not his own to build upon his own empire and keeps it all to himself. He invades other landmarks to only make theirs his. And thats what America is, a greedy selfish nation that goes to other landmarks only doing deeds for their own natural benefit. Also notice how Wario is called the Anti-Mario but it was never explained why. America is fat and greedy like Wario. and ironically Wario has a mustache similar to another important historical figure.Mario is also a communist due to 1 thing everyone overlooks. Since Mario was designed during the videogame crash and Febuaray revolution the communist have put a symbol on their flag for opressing the inflation,a sickle crossed by a hammer. Marios star signature weapon is a hammer. And the mushroom that Mario eats is based off of a real mushroom in russia during the Febuarary revolution that gave the same side effect drug symptoms as depicted in the game. A PERSON BEING HIGH AND THINKING THEY ARE BIGGER THAN EVERYONE !!. the mushroom is also poisonous which can kill you,as a result the flip side of the mushroom was made in Super Mario 2 in japan only but of course released in America later in the 90s as Super Mario the lost levels. However due to the games difficulty the color of the mushroom was changed to blue with evil ominous red eyes.In the end its not a theory but a fact and if you are butt hurt over your stupid Mario too bad its the truth. Mario is a communist.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 00:39:32 +0000

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