VINDICATED AGAIN. BUT THIS IS NOT A TIME FOR GLOATING BECAUSE TODAY OBAMA MADE A VERY DANGEROUS SHIFT IN FOREIGN POLICY – AND IT WILL PUT ALL OF US IN DANGER. For a long time I have been saying that ISIS and its affiliates have been financed and helped by The Emirates, (Dubai- Emirates Airlines etc), Qatar, (Doha, Al Jazera TV,) Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Bahrain – all nations we seem to have “friendly” if not respectful relations with. I have also been saying that I believe that Saudi, Qatar and Emirates were the principal funders of obama’s election campaigns – but sadly I can’t prove that yet, (but be sure, it will come out soon.) Well from today news organisations – CNN, Fox News, RT and the BBC have openly said that these aforementioned Arab Nations have been funding/financing ISIS, Yes, that’s right – funding the vermin - but are now agreeing to stop that funding, (oh that’s nice of them,) and are “maybe” joining in the actual airstrikes in Syria against both ISIS and Syria, who of course are fighting each other because ISIS wants Syria as a principal part of their new “Caliphate.” The thing is that CNN are refraining from direct derogatory reference to the Emirates Dubai and Doha because they get huge funding from them both, and therefore their coverage cannot be relied on to be truthful. You will see that come out in time – but a carful look will tell you that now. As a case in point, CNN are running high production value adds for “Sharia” banking, and touting the amazing “contribution” Dubai has made in modern medicine, (Gufaw!) Well the ads certainly are here in New Zealand. Dubai?? Contributing to modern medicine? Really? do they think we are stupid? But why have these Arab Nations changed their tune about ISIS? Because the EVIL MONSTER they created to force sharia on the entire arab world and eliminate the Christian populations - is turning against them – because as ISIS sees the amazing global rise in popularity they are experiencing the western nation populations of muslims and apologists, they know they can take out the super rich arabs and run to whole shooting match themselves and get all that oil wealth those arabs have been using to promote islam across the world (At least 80 billion dollars so far.). Don’t believe me – watch and see. So people - there are a number of very dangerous things that have changed in the last week – and they are, in no particular order: The first really dangerous thing has actually remained the same and that is that our side, (that’s us,) (the side of civilisation,) is refusing to recognise a big bunch of problems and lies because we have told them (lies) to ourselves for so long, reinforced by so many people and organisations that we seem to think it’s all OK and won’t come here and affect us. And the biggest lie is that political correctness will not let us call this by its proper name – THE ISLAMIC GLOBAL WAR AGAINST CIVILISATION. That means we can’t criticise the very demographic that is bringing this down upon us. Well – I can here of course because I am not mainstream and nor am I politically correct. And now there’s this – serious shit - obama notified President Assad today that he was going to launch airstrikes in Syria. That means that a NEW WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED by the USA, Australia, and a bunch of completely dishonest, unreliable and corrupt, (and gutless,) Arab States, against a sovereign nation, Syria. Yes Syria – a nation that has Russia as a staunch ally. That’s smart? It is part of their (our) War against ISIS that has declared a “Caliphate” or an Islamic State that the genius obama says is not Islamic (not Islamic even though it is called Islamic and run and maned exclusively by muslims.) And they “the obamanites,” decided to have a go at Assad at the same time because they are already there. They were too afraid to go to battle against Assad before, (3 years ago when they might have done some good,) in case they pissed President Putin off. (Note that I call him “President” Putin and capitalise his name. That is because in the great scheme of things he deserves much more respect than the dipstick-in-chief obama.). The other reason obama wouldn’t have a go at them before was because all the hundreds of thousands of Christians weren’t raped, maimed or dead yet. This is hard work thinking of all this. And then there’s this – the thing that they all seem to want to play down. ISIS has hundreds of thousands of supporters and a well-organised marketing, merchandising and recruiting organisation ALL OVER THE WESTERN WORLD among all the muslims we have imported so we can “help and protect them and give them a better life for their children.” Remember those words because you will hear them and similar from the greens all across the western world from New Zealand to Sweden. The greens are without a doubt the fifth column in the West working for the rise of islam and in the coming months you will see plenty of work from them to try to sway public opinion in the favour of the muslim terrorists who are now threatening our safety in our homelands. This has been graphically illustrated by events in the last few days in Australia. Australia has just agreed to take 4000 “muslim refugees” from Syria. They are what are left after the Muslim terrorists slaughtered almost the ENTIRE Christian population of Syria and Iraq – while obama played golf and jogged up and down the stairs of Airforce One and looking like a demented cartoon character. And all that stuff in that paragraph above – has been replicated in ALL the European countries and in the USA TODAY where they have alerted the population to the possibility that a lone-killer might try to decapitate someone in their streets and make a video of it. Nice. Thanks multiculturalism. Now we wonder how many of these wonderful “carefully vetted” Syrians will NEED to come and live in our fair country? Then there is this also – “Refugees” are always the very tough and corrupt ones that climb over the top of the REAL weaker people to get to the front of the queue so they can come and live down the street from YOU – You really know that’s true don’t you – now that you think about it. Obvious aye. And of course you know by now that a very significant number of these ISIS rapists, torturers, murderers and beheaders are “expats” - so called Australians and New Zealanders and American and British who went over there to fight for ISIS – and now that things are warming up over there with airstrikes and all - they are wanting to come back. What do we all think THEY are going to get up to when they are back among us? Back making Kebabs? Just collecting the dole and going down to the mosque for a quick pray? Seriously. They will want vengeance and blood back here in civilisation because they have their reputation to consider and they will be a major cause of civil strife because they HATE US THE MOST.. And what will come out of some attacks on our people? Retaliation, retribution and vengeance is what will come. We will have street warfare because when these bastards get back here they will rile all their brothers up about how tough and smart they are and how our stupid, politically correct police forces and politicians will not be able to deal with them. You know that’s true don’t you. And our police and politicians are going to have to radically reorganize the way we do things - and fast So today Tony Abbot says he will take their passports off them to PREVENT them from going overseas to fight. WRONG TONY - WRONG! Don’t stop them from leaving – STOP THEM FROM RETURNING. Because they are going to bring their war back here to us – You can see that now that I pointed it out – can’t you. More to come soon.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 08:29:00 +0000

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