VINYL TERROR AND HORROR / ABRASiVE SOUND ART An impressive brilland work with the art of noise,following the mood of Karlheinz Stockhausen or John Cage Camilla Sørensen and Greta Christensen – identified together as Vinyl Terror and Horror - continue in this lineage with their abrasive sound art. On stage, Sørensen and Christensen begin playing one record before slowly adding multiple records to join in; be they hovering over the first turntable or dropped in from above, jukebox style. The records they use are worn down, scratched beyond belief or reassembled from various records or newly fitted, with a number of monstrous-looking embellishments like shards of glass. The sound they create is a pure cacophony. The harshness of the soundscapes teasingly interrupted every now and then by a comforting sound: the warm crackle of a record player, string sections, the lamentations of a female singer. Then, back to the racket. Since their first performance in 2003, the Berlin-based duo have released records (the most recent being 2010’s Moviethemes), performed at various European art spaces and festivals like Nordberg and Colour Out Of Space, been responsible for multiple sound installations, and terrified many a person with their performances. Yet as far as they are concerned, theyre uninterested in any expectations of fulfilling a creative lineage. Christensen tells me over Skype, “I guess we probably follow in a tradition of the avant-garde but we don’t think too much about this.” On whether they consider themselves DJs: “Weve played all sorts of parties, but we dont play much different than what we usually do.” More about them : thump.vice/en_uk/words/vinyl-terror--horror-are-making-djing-seriously-weird Vimeo Channel : vimeo/user7355264
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:31:05 +0000

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