VISION Believers should have vision for their lives and their - TopicsExpress


VISION Believers should have vision for their lives and their children’s. As we grow in our knowledge of God, the result will be growth in our endeavors, but it will be otherwise if we do not plan our life, we will experience failure and our life will be unorganized, impulsive and purposeless. We must all have specific goals and direction in life. We are people of purpose and we have vision from God. Therefore, if we do not discipline ourselves to set standards and goals, then we will not move forward and we will remain at the same level. Imagine how it would be if in this year, you were still at the same level as last year and in the next year, you will be with the same problems, diseases and doubt. Making plans by faith helps to move forward. Our life must not only be a repetition of coincidental events. Our life must not be directed by the changing winds of the world, which bring worldly problems and accidents. Our helper in making our plans must be the Holy Spirit. Be fully obedient to his leading, for He knows how to organize and arrange your life starting with your inner man. He never makes mistakes. He will give you direction and show you the shortest path to God and success that the creator has planned for you even before the beginning of time. Where are you going without vision and knowledge of God’s will for your life, not knowing your calling or goals?! It is all about a plan and each point of the plan is a step towards the fulfilment of your destiny. God Himself teaches us to plan. Everywhere in the Bible we read prophecy about the future of the people of God, different countries and specific people. Prophecy is God’s plan. “Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them “(Isaiah 42:9). God is speaking about His plan. He never stopped after six days of creation. He never left everything as it was because it was very good. God gave everyone He created a future, determined their calling and made a plan for their life. Through the prophets God communicated His plans. We as Christians need to imitate the Father to live out His destiny and do what corresponds with His will. In essence, it is in the perfect will of God that the successful life of a Christian is hidden. This is the only way to avoid most problems and disappointment, and to accomplish your greatest and boldest plans. Your plans must be specific, not a general. The lives of such people are determined by circumstances. But only God knows your future and you must live according to His plan for you. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”. (Jeremiah 29:11). Let us say that God gives you a dream. You need to agree with His plan for your life and the intermediary goals in the upcoming month, year etc. But you cannot fulfil the dream without the knowledge (vision) of God. Your dreams will remain only dreams if you do not improve your wisdom. Everything that we know today is the result of what we studied yesterday. No one can rise higher than his knowledge, because what we have not achieved is what we still do not know. Consequently, revelations and levels of knowledge determine the limits of our success. God’s wish is that we all grow up, this is His will. “And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.”(Deuteronomy 28:13). Unless you remind God of His promises in your prayers, for Him to fulfil His word, you will not receive anything. It is important to put effort to be sure the Lord is on your side, to take you to new heights that you could have never dreamed of. Your present position is equivalent to your level of knowledge about God and His will and promises. If you want to improve your life, you need to receive new knowledge and new revelations about God and His principles. If you want to improve your professional qualifications and extend your sphere of activity, you need to receive knowledge in this are as well. New beginnings are always accompanied by an application of new knowledge, which can never be avoided. It is a spiritual law. “Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool lays open his folly.”(Proverb 13:14). We prepared inadequately and did not have enough knowledge in that particular area of life which we intended to master, such as science, production or business. It is necessary for every Christians to have a vision, a goal and a plan. When the task and the goal have been determined, then we must improve our knowledge accordingly, so that we can widen our view and study the way to achieve our goals. Remember this simple truth: nobody stays in one place in life; you either mover forward or go backward. May be you have studied persistently for a long time, and achieved a lot, but in the last ten years you have relaxed and got satisfied to some extent with your achievement. You remember what you have achieved before and say:” I am a Doctor of Science!” you were a Doctor of Science ten years ago. If you do not proceed to move forward, reaching new heights, then you will not only remain at that level, but you will begin to digress. This is the misfortune of many people and that is the reason, why they lack success. There is constant movement around you and the world is moving forward, therefore if you stop, you will start to move backward. We are the children of God and people of vision and destiny. Let us be wise and seek knowledge for without it we cannot start anything. If you want to get married, start moving toward your goal by starting from the level of knowledge, studying everything that God says about marriage. And moreover, if you want joy, if you want to have a happier life, then seek revelation from the word of God and follow it. When a person receives new revelation or new knowledge in the area of their calling, they become focused, self-disciplined and purposeful. If you want your church or ministries to grow this year, you must receive a word of revelation from God, which will mobilize your people. If you want to expand your area of influence and activity, as a company, then you must receive a revelation, which will equip your team and will join all of you together so that you can purposefully move in the given direction. The more you increase your knowledge about God, the more revelation you will receive revelation. The more everything that is necessary for life and godliness that has already been given to us, according to the promises of God, will be manifested in your life. The fulfillment of your vision depends on your faith. When we listen to others, we gain or acquire knowledge. But when you are speaking all the time, you do not receive new information, you simply speak what you already know and remain on the same level of knowledge. Life is very versatile and through knowledge, we can become specialists in many fields. Therefore we need knowledge and understanding. We must strive to acquire it. You have to search for it in order to grow. Do not just read the Bible like a regular book, but meditate on every word of God, asking the Lord for a revelation and understanding. The level of your opportunities depends on the level of your knowledge. After having done all that take your knowledge and apply it and you will notice that your business will take off. This happens because understanding leads to wisdom and understanding takes you to new heights, which will therefore open up new opportunities for you. We need to receive new information and then this new knowledge will become a foundation for our next step into the next level. It will serve as an incentive for you to do what you have never done before, something you have never known before. When new information comes, it renews the mind and leads to knowledge. You must strive to learn something new all the time, in order to renew your mind and change your life. Life is a constant search for truth. As soon as you stop renewing your mind, stop receiving new information and stop meditating on the revelations of God, then your development will stop and you will stop moving forward. If you want integrity in your family, in your business and in everything you do, I advise you to get deeper into the knowledge of God. Only knowledge can transform your life. Every believer must get rooted in the knowledge of who he is in Jesus Christ. The more you hear the word of God the more you will get to know God, and the greater the chance that you will receive a revelation. Here we see the importance of knowledge; it is of much greater value than silver. Let us search for knowledge of God and value His revelations more than gold. Ev.Emmanuel Kamburishi Ibingira
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 14:16:36 +0000

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