VOICE FROM THE NATO`S BORDER; The strategy adopted currently by - TopicsExpress


VOICE FROM THE NATO`S BORDER; The strategy adopted currently by the West against Russia will probably not be successful. Russia will face western sanctions easier than western societies will endure their consequences and Russian retaliation. The one efficient thing would be to repeat American strategy from the 80s after invasion Afghanistan – massively arm Ukraine, which is the victim of an aggression. In such way that less Ukrainian mothers cry for their fallen sons and more Russian mothers cry for theirs (war is hell after all). Sad but true, loads of body bags are a much greater incentive for peace than any sanctions against oligarchs. Then of course a radical reinforcement of eastern flank of NATO – not just the rotation of some units… Only after those two steps there would be conditions for talks and some kind of international treaty on Ukraine. Territories already lost would probably not be regained, but maybe the rest of the country could go its own way. But for that West should have politicians with character and vision – and those who are right now are just very average people (to put things mildly…). What we see from West until now is just vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas. The West refuses to wake up from a sweet dream, but nevertheless will face a new cold war; its just that it will be dragged into it by ears by Putin and suffer all the consequences of self-imposed weakness – when in fact it is much stronger…
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 07:43:39 +0000

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