VOTE NO on September 18th With 2 days to go I will summaries my - TopicsExpress


VOTE NO on September 18th With 2 days to go I will summaries my opinion on Scottish Independence. First of All I am Half Scottish and Half English. Born in Middlesbrough, Married to a Glaswegian and love both countries yes I am certainly biased towards Scotland Remaining in the UK.... .. ..However I am a self analyser, certainly not big headed but at the same time I am a risk I look at both sides (best I can). I have read all the major articles I could find from sides, most of SNP’s white paper and listened to all the key debates. YES REASONS 1. OIL Promises. Scotland will apparently receive more in revenue than it pays out on resources 2. Conservatives are in Power 3. UK might leave the EU. This could be preserved as a bad thing due to trade routes and free trade laws 4. Scotland Want Complete Say Over Its Affairs. They want full control (so no £ as that is fiscal control without representation, something America when to war with Britain about) 5. Bedroom Tax. Allowing people on benefit to have big council houses 6. UK Recession. Thinks the UK could of done better 7. Westminster Arrogance/Bully Boys 8. BBC and Journalists forgetting about Scotland. (Not the recent nonsense but slip of tongue from journalist and not saying UK and saying England all the time) NO REASONS 1. OIL is risky, its price fluctuates and oil companies go to wherever in the world where Oil is Easily Obtainable (North Sea is difficult to obtain) and Cheapest (North Sea Isn’t Cheap). If Scotland had got independence 50 years ago then an oil fund would be great, but that ship has sailed. 2. Conservatives are in Power ,but before them it was Labour and they are ahead in the opinion polls. 3. Leaving the EU, maybe not a bad thing. China, India and Brazil are growing economies where the UK has almost no trade. Also with the threat of leaving the EU might bring us more powers from the EU 4. 80 million people shared resources can do a lot more than 7 million 5. It will be scraped, although I think the ensuring council flats are the correct size for the occupancy is a good idea, so I personally think it should be revised. 6. UK economy has done the best in Europe coming out of recession 7. Times are changing on this 8. This will go on Im afraid but I think they will improve 9. Currency. The pound cannot be shared as a fiscal union is incompatible to sovereignty, EURO proved this. It’s not the English Pound it’s the UK Pound Mr. Salmond. 10. Scottish Financial Jobs. Up to 180 thousand jobs will be affected. RBS and Lloyds Balance Sheet is worth 12 times the Scottish Economy, jobs will migrate South over time. The UK will insist on it after all they own 80% or RBS and 40% of Lloyds and if they are to be the lender of last resort, then why not. Dont believe this nonsense about it only being brass plates moving south, the jobs will go there eventually. 11. Pension, Jobs, House Prices. All will negatively be affected. Billions has been removed from UK investments on even the threat of independence as the market know the uncertainty and increased risk will reduce how much people will invest in Britain and the interest they will ask for investing in Britain will increase. This has been said by independent banks, the IMF and 100 Economists for every 1 which the SNP unveil. 12. Consumable Prices. Much of Scotland is rural and remote; the transportation costs will increase as they cannot be shared among 80 million on 7. This has been announced by independent business. 13. Armed Forces and Newks. Scotland will have vastly reduced armed forces, with many Scottish troopers choosing to serve the UK in order to keep their jobs. Are Newks a bad thing...Im sure Ukraine wish they had some right now. Newks stop countries from eyeing us up, its like having a body guard to ensure no body tries anything...body guards cost money..pure and simple. 14. History of Scotland being part of the UK...nothing to do with Braveheart. In the 1600s England Queen died and Scotland King (James I) also became the England King and renamed James IV (in England). In 1700s Scotland went bankrupt and due to having the same monarch asked to join the pound. England agreed to pay off all of Scotland Debts and allow them to join the Pound under two conditions that the two countries would form a United Kingdom and Scotland would send MPs to Westminster where the decisions of both countries would be make in a United Union...there were certainly bribes between both nations at this point, but there was no fight there was no war, it was a mutual agreement between both countries. So forget William Wallace 15. Border Controls - Unless Scotlands immigration policy mirrors the UKs there will be boarders and passport control. Salmond has already announced he want a 20,000 more immigrants per year than current figures, also if Scotland join the EU all new entrants have to sign the Schengen agreement. 16. EU - Will Scotland be allowed to join the EU. Spain will greatly oppose this as it opens up Catalonia to possibly being independent. 17. EURO - Do you really want to join the EURO...seriously? 18. Debt Default & New Currency - If Scotland default on 9ish% of National Debt they will be outcased by the money markets, as they will be ranked with Argentina as bad debtors, the interest rates on borrowing will be high. 19. NATO & United Nations. There are 5 Veto seats in the UN. The UK has one of them, it is very sought after. NATO, will Scotland be allowed to join NATO, there needs to be unanimous agreement by its current members, will the UK vote for Scotland after defaulting on debt, also isnt this a contradiction of Salmonds Newk policy. 20. West of Shetland. Even if Salmond is right and Oil is the answer to all of Scotlands possible problems. Shetland may want to remain part of the UK, or go back to Norway or even be independent themselves. 21. Damage itself and the Rest of the UK. UK will also be damaged Scotland and the UK are so intertwined that when Scottish Businesss fail it is really UK Business fail as most of it customers are from the UK. 22. Free Trade - There will be transaction and translation cost between Scotland the UK. Traders will have different currencies. Both countries get hurt, but the hurt wont lead to the pound for Scotland as the risk of Scotland defaulting far outweighs the cost of inter-country currency trading costs. 23. Embassy - Will Scotland Have Embassys abroad? Im not sure 23. BBC - Will cost more. In all respect to River City far fewer people in the UK want to watch it than the number of people who want to watch Eastenders, Dr Who, Shelock Holmes etc etc in Scotland. Salmond essentially saying they will be swap is wrong. So BBC Iplayer will go and so will isps. 24. This is a divorce not a trial separation. My parents are divorced, things are never the same after and they won’t get back together. 25. What is there is another financial crisis…can Scotland Cope with it. 26. Can SNP run Scotland. You will be voting for Salmond if you vote Yes, there is no other creditable candidates (at the moment). I remember Salmond’s getting led up the garden path by Donald Trump. I remember the shambles of Edinburgh freezing in 2010 when the M8 closed and pavements and roads were not gritted despite MET office warnings. If you want to take the biggest gamble of your life and your childeren’s life vote YES. On a personal selfish level, if the Pound weakened I get more money, so I am actually advising against what is best for me financially...although maybe I am not when the flat we own might be worth less soon. Whatever the results come Friday 19th we must all get behind Scotland whatever she has chose.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 08:08:02 +0000

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