VOTE WAS USED TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST POLITICAL RULERS Republican House Speaker John Boehner said he was humbled by Tuesday’s poll results, which saw the number of Republicans elected to the House, increase, and a Republican majority elected to the Senate. You could actually see how humble Boehner was, because it was written all over his face, enough humbleness to last, one would assume, until at least Friday, when Obama meets with the triumphant party’s leaders. It needs to be said, in passing, that, although the Democratic Party took a political shellacking, at the polls, Tuesday, Boehner’s new found humbleness, nevertheless, is misplaced, and any boasting about the political results should be tempered, by party members. The results, thus far, show that the Republicans will have at least 52 members in the Senate, and the largest number of Republicans in the House, since 1946, when the new Congress is sworn into office, January 3, but the victory should not be viewed as an endorsement of Republican Party leadership, in Washington. Where, as a matter of fact, might one find it, if one assumes it actually exists? If one were to ask John Boehner, the above unasked, and unanswered, question, I am sure, after lulling over it, would then pass it on to other Republicans, for an answer. I can just imagine the question being passed, from one Republican to the other, until it ends up in the hands of the least tenured Republican officeholder, who would then be left with the awkward task of stating the obvious, which is that Republican leadership, like Democratic Leadership, is missing, in action, in Washington. Both parties are responsible for the sorry state of politics that exists in the nation’s capital. Neither party has stood out, in the leadership realm. So, what does the vote, yesterday, mean? Not much, if the question is asked, in terms of a political endorsement of party politics, The vote, yesterday, was defensive, the American people using the ballot to fight its rulers, a point missed by all the talking heads, just a talking up a storm today, about what the election results indicate. If anything, the vote, Tuesday, was a vote of the people to be left alone by the government. It would not be unreasonable, in the least, to conclude that the voters expressed the view, at the polls, yesterday, that the American people would like Washington to get out of their lives, and do that, which government is set up to do, which is manage the affairs of the State, not the affairs of the States, or the affairs of the citizens, who reside, therein, which is, quantifiably, different. Rather than continuing to erect a nanny State, politicians, in Washington, would do well to understand the message, delivered to the addresses of Washington politicians, who will be going home, in January, which was, help renew the nation by leading away from political attacks on liberty, and property rights, in this country. The political earthquake, last night, was, certainly, a, more or less, specific referendum on President Obama’s leadership, and, most certainly, not a referendum on the faith the American people have in the Republican Party’s leadership. It was, in a figurative sense, a political declaration of independence from the politicians, in Washington, and, judging from gubernatorial elections, more freedom, and justice, on the State level, as well, and, to be sure, less gutter politics, and race baiting. Maryland offers, perhaps, the best example, as it relates to the latter category, above. Playing up the fact that the State of Maryland had a chance to elect its first black governor, the voters backed away from playing the race card, in the political arena, which was a gigantic political victory, not only for Maryland, but, also, for the country. This race baiting, also failed here in North Carolina, where the Democratic Party sought to ramp up the political interest of blacks in the mid-term election, by appealing to the tired narrative of blacks’ racial victimization, in this country. The intent was to use Michael Brown’s death, in Ferguson, Missouri, as a political rallying point, in North Carolina. The well was dry, having been emptied through public exposure of the mockery. There was no better response to the mockery, mentioned above, and the race baiting, which is a staple in Democratic Party campaigns, than what took place, in South Carolina. Tim Scott, who is a black Republican, became the first black Senator, elected from the South, since Reconstruction. Scotts election, in South Carolina, went unmentioned by Representative James Clyburn, a black Democratic Party congressman from South Carolina, who was decrying the alleged widespread racism, in the country, which he sought to use as an explanation of President Obamas present, and growing unpopularity, among the American people. It has nothing to do, of course, with any of Obamas policies, and his constant lying to the American people, all of which, of course again, is Bushs fault, for which Obama is being blamed, unfairly, just because Bush is no longer President. Race, it is always race that explains things in the Democratic Partys political universe, whenever blacks are involved. Anything more complex than that, is taken as being too complex for blacks to handle, along with getting photo ID, to vote. These are black peoples political friends, I would remind you. It is not an accident that the Democratic Party constantly engages in race baiting politics. For one, it works, especially when the narrative is that everything, that happens badly, in ones life, is somebody elses fault, due to their malevolent intent. When baiting a hook, or race baiting, the intent is the same, to catch fish, for consumption. In the latter case, the consumption is the ballot of the fish; the bones are done away with, like all fish bones are done away with. One often hears that a rule of thumb, in court cases, is that, when the defense has a strong case, the defense puts the individual on trial, before the jury; but when the case is weak, the defense puts the evidence on trial, in the individual’s place. In the political arena, however, it works a little different, since it is in the court of public opinion. The rule of thumb, in the “people’s court,” the court of public opinion, which is to say, the political arena, is that members of a political party holler about what members of another party are doing, even if they are not doing what the other party’s members are hollering about. The expected outcome is that few will notice that they are hollering about what they are, in fact, guilty of, themselves. The expectation is that the conclusion will be drawn that what they are hollering about must be true, otherwise, why are they hollering, of all places, in public, for crying out loud? Party members are hollering, and they are doing so, in public, so what they are hollering about must be true. No political party does the above better than members of the Democratic Party, the party, whose forebears consist of every segregationist politician who ever lived, in this country, with names like Governor George Wallace, and Eugene “Bull” Connor, to name only two, who immediately come to mind, along with organizations like the Ku Klux Klan, and the White Citizens Council, former paramilitary wings of the Democratic Party. But, if you listen to the Democratic Party’s rhetoric, the above were Republicans, and Republican organizations, changing their party affiliation, apparently, after they were dead, or had died off, in terms of their political influence. Actually, we are living in a post-racial America, in the United States, today, from the standpoint that the overt racial discrimination, that was practiced in the past, has been ended in the South, the hidden reason, in the media, being that the Democratic Party, as the party of political influence in the South, has been replaced by the Republican Party, the political party of influence, today, in the South. Blacks, who say such is not the case, and promote the racial circumstance, in the country, today, as being otherwise, seek to explain Obama’s presidency, therefore, as some kind of racial fluke. “He’s only one man,” we are told, as if we had more than one man as President when Bush was in office. It is not surprising, in the least, that the idea this country is now post-racial, is denied by figures on the Left, with film director Spike Lee, for example, being quoted as saying that the idea that we live in a post-racial America is “Bull----.” I won’t use Lee’s liberal language, in repudiating the racism he brings to the table, himself, and will only concede the point to state that racism, today, in its institutional form, is directed at whites, and, in this case, as in the past, by Democrats. The Democratic Party took down the signs, which served as reminders of institutional discrimination against blacks, and put rules, up, instead, this time, as an expression of institutionalized discrimination against whites, sneaking it in, under the banner of “Affirmative Action,” that affirms, certainly, the presence of the Democratic Party, which has been in the forefront of every institutional, discriminatory practice in this country, and when blacks finally realize this, they will realize how deeply, and desperately, they have been duped by a party which plays them like a violin, using the race card, which is a political tactic, and strategy, invented by Democrats. It’s the same old song, with a different beat, because the Democratic Party is playing to a different crowd. So, how do you explain these police shootings, one might ask, if we are living in a post-racial America, from the standpoint of racial, discriminatory practices in the past, not being such, today? Frankly, no one should seek to explain such in a discussion, under this subject. Post-racial does not mean non-racial. It means post-government enforcement of discriminatory conduct. There is no society which has ever been post-racial, otherwise, and there never will be such a society. There is no societal paradise, to look back on, or to look forward to; both exercises would amount to a waste of one’s time. None have ever existed, in the past, and none will ever exist in the future. Liberalism suffered a stunning setback, at the polls, yesterday. It is this fact that explains the Democratic Party’s seismic-level defeat, at the polls, yesterday, which is an indication that people are waking up to what is represented by the Democratic Party, which has never changed its spots, only its targets. There was a political tsunami, at the polls, yesterday, and the message delivered, is absolutely clear. The Republican Partys leaders will make a big mistake if they now govern as if the election was about members of the Republican Party. The American people said, loud and clear, yesterday, that they are sick, and tired, of rulers, and that they want government to leave them alone. If not, then, hopefully, it is on to 2016, for lesson number 2. #Midterm #Election #Goodnight
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 07:32:08 +0000

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