Validation No Longer Required! I will no longer have to be - TopicsExpress


Validation No Longer Required! I will no longer have to be validated by another human being. I have allowed validation from other people to keep me from reaching my true potential. Waiting on this validation has caused me to cry, feel bad about myself, think I’m less than and want to give up. I only need validation from God. However that is easy to say but hard to live by. We all want to feel love and cared for by that parent or special someone and if they don’t give it to us we tend to feel worthless sometimes. We can’t understand why they can’t return the love that we have for them. No matter how many other people say they love us if this parent or special person doesn’t say it, it meaningless to us how others feel about us. We allow the opinions of one person to determine our self worth and we allow the spirit of rejection to set up residency. We allow this spirit of rejection to overtake our flesh and emotions and we become like wither grass that has loss its vigor. Our enthusiasm, bounce and zing are long gone and we have no idea how to get it back. But right now, I declare and decree that in the name of Jesus we will have our mental strength, energy, drive, vitality and life back. No more will I look for the validation of man to determine my worth. “I am amazing, I am enough, I am beautiful/handsome, I am wanted, I am chosen and I am called. I’ve got what it takes not just to survive but to change the world”. (Holley Gerth) What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways. (Job 22:28 NIV)
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 02:19:52 +0000

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