Very rarely have I expressed on Facebook. But couldnt really - TopicsExpress


Very rarely have I expressed on Facebook. But couldnt really control myself this time. And I have reasons to believe that I am blessed with abilities to think and thus this outburst. Some may find this an act of absolute blasphemy. So be it cause the Gods were self created. I am utterly disgusted and shamefully pained to see the entire nation go in this frenzy of a farewell to a person who has done no better than hit a leather ball (perhaps much better than others in all regards) with a wooden stock. Before the fanatics raise eyebrows and decide to go for the kill hear me out. So clarifications first. I love the game myself and have been an ardent follower. Could compete with Harsha Bhogle on statistics. Literally as well as analytically. Furthermore even I have been a Sachin Tendulkar fan. Not to the extent of crossing boundaries of sensibilities but yes I find him to be a far better batsman than his contemporaries with Dravid as a sole exception and a huge competitor for whom I always felt bad and perhaps moreso cause the nation just ignored him like the many other sporting greats. Shall come to that in a moment. Also I found the likes of Vivian Richards to be far more exemplary than Tendulkar. The debate could be heated but we could dwell on that later. Having said that no credits taken away from the contribution that Sachin has had to the game and the joy he has bestowed to this cricket crazy country. My views solely and subject to opinions and criticisms. But that not the reason for this expression. It hurts me no end to see this Ekta Kapoor melodrama of the extended farewell with every TV Channel reporting on his best innings to toiletries as if we as a nation have nothing better to do. He was good. Period. He just did his job. And there have been bloody many of them who at their work place have done far better and bigger tasks than this man. And we can damn well have a debate on this. And if I were to count the unsung Maharashtrians alone , the list would shame so called followers of the religion called cricket ,forget tracing the entire country. And now a very critical one. Have we in this craze of bestowing a demi god status made him larger than the nation. For all those going ecstatic and maddeningly overboard with this farewell right from the day his retirement was announced, ask yourself who is bigger. The nation or this selfish sportsman. Again debates can be had. Selfish. May not go well. So what do we comment on. His extended tenure at the game while so many of the brooding talent sat at the benches. I can imagine the hidden joy of so many on the benches waiting fo this man to do a final walk . Or do we talk about favours over the ferrari to the favours for a special fsi for his plush bungalow. Think of it guys the nation is any day bigger than the sum total of all who represent in any form. Then why this nonsense. Why this never ending stupidity of a grandoise farewell. Or perhaps a managed money making affair again. He was lucky to have played and represented the nation. Not the other way around. Please note the date of this write up. Records shall tumble and some years there shall be an another demi god created. None is indispensable and none shall be. And to add on let me also ask the followers ; the bhakts. What has been his contribution. Debates on this as well. Sporting alone and that too credits that stand against his name alone. How has it really helped the nation. I am clueless. Some sports gyaan and a lot of emotional outburst may follow. Before the bhakts do that keep an eye on the many unnoticed unsung brilliant sports personalities of this nation who have died in literal poverty. Why this hypocrisy. That disturbs even more. Sports is fine but that is not the all and end all of this nation. For the meaningless fervour that we have been driven to ; the aftermath of cyclones , the sleepless nights of the residents losing their shelter , the double digit inflation , the unholy sword of bread earners losing job , the poverty in the interiors of the country : all and damn all go unnoticed. Imagine what all this money bestowed on the farewell of a guy whose income fails the counting and accounting ability of the best , could have been used for. Perhaps better and nobler causes. But I dont think the buffoons who are a part of this extravaganza have this on their agenda any day. And the media. God bless. For them it is all trp from a nation populated with citizens whose priorities are indeed messed up. All of them. It was a vulgar race of one upmanship of capturing the details of this individual blessed to have represented this nation. Am I too cynical. Am I going overboard on my criticism. Gosh check the news channel. Check the newspapers. And then decide who has gone overboard. Was a fan of Sachin till he miserably extended his stay for the 100th hundred. He didnt play cricket that evening. Was a keen follower of Sachin till the minnows and unheard of started dismissing him. Would have otherwise defended Sachin till this farewell madness erupted. All managed and all pre decided. By the way did the bhakts get the tickets. By the way for the bhakts was the prasad at his restaurant affordable. Guys this is one God who has amassed runs and wealth for self. You may suggest so whats wrong with wealth collection for self. Nothing wrong. Then why this grandoise farewell. Hasnt he benefitted and hasnt he been rewarded. I thought such gestures were for selfless service. For services that built the nation , for tasks that upheld humanity. Not for extened stay at the cost of victory for the nation. Not for detaining upcoming talent. Not for dictating tours. Not for deciding venues for the last match. Not for heavens sake endorsing brands because you served the nation if at all this classifies as serving the nation. I dont for sure classify this as serving the nation. Thankfully he retires. And hopefully the nation resets to priorities. May good sense prevail. And may the sport be bigger than the player. And may the nation be bigger than any citizen contributor. For all those who managed to read till here. Thanks a lot. God bless. And I mean God bless.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:13:04 +0000

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