Very tragic but interesting story about gunman. He is a minority - TopicsExpress


Very tragic but interesting story about gunman. He is a minority who complained about discrimination, not only racial but also, I bet, "mental-illness" stigma. Add to that the inefficient "mental health system" and please refer to diary on that topic. Just right there is a lot of pent-up frustration that he was not able to deal with and channel constructively and that his community-society did not know or couldnt handle effectively to help him. Then u need to go back to his early history that led to or triggered the "mental illness" process that at this point its not that but a STUCK and PRESSURE COOKER waiting to explode SPIRITUAL process. And i bet that in his distant past somewhere in ancestry and history he INHERITED the SHAMANIC gift and was becoming manifest in him and due to lack of SUPPORT and NURTURING and GUIDANCE thru process ended up in tragedy and disaster for him and others. The VOICES were NOT made up! or "mental illness" as u claim and want to believe. This man was NOT happy with what he saw and what he had to endure for long seeing no hope and way out the built pressure had to go out and find "relief" somehow even if in the bad way. And the endless frustration with u and his own life and predicament ended tragically and the same story repeats itself in AMERICA , while the characters and sets change the ESSENCE of the stories is the same ANGER, DISATISFACTION, NEGLECT, HOPELESSNESS, LONELINESS, EXISTENTIAL CRISIS, etc. FEELING IMPRISONED in so many ways that although they live in the Land of the Free they do not feel truly free after all. Why is that America, please ponder on that. The VOICES might not have told him specifically to kill but probably were telling him or pointing to him things that were not right and unable to listen to the voices constructively objectively was overwhelmed leading to anger resulting in loss of awareness and control. After all u still are the captain of ur soul and responsible for controlling the DARK and LIGHT energies within and bring them to balance and that is WHY SHAMANS are NOT made overnite or thru just reading books or attending groups and memberships. This is serious stuff as u r dealing with LIVE and POWERFUL SPIRITUAL FORCES and ENERGIES and that man was clearly a CHANNEL and point of contact of these Energies! and U can expect more of the same as this process keeps repeating itself over over again and THESE PEOPLE who happen to be NOT COWARDS but STUCK and FRUSTRATED SPIRIT CHANNELS and Points of contact NEED to be finally NURTURED and guidf and supported thru the process so it does NOT keep ending tragically in suicide or homicide and that is why we NEED "ONE WORLD" EDUCATION and U NEED to be so scientific about everything while disparaging the spiritual in ur "mental health" system which is inefficient as a result and which stunts the healing process by shoving pills after pills down peoples throats and nothing else and that means for U a TOTAL REFORM of UR SO-CALLED MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEM which is SO out of touch with reality that it can no longer tell what is ILLNESS of HUMAN origin from WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL PROCESS.And until u DO NOT HEAL UR SYSTEMS including "MENTAL HEALTH" U R NOT HEALING ANYONE but just BAND-AIDING the PROBLEM and deceiving urselves in believing that u r truly healing anyone when truly u r NOT but are indeed healing the pharmaceuticals coffers. So u can expect more of the same and WE will provide u with info and plan on how to begin these Reforms. Some time ago a Shaman from a foreign country was taken to an American psych ward and he was amazed at the sheer number of spirits he saw there and these are the energies that to ur own detriment u take for illness. When u began to neglect and abandon UR DIVINE "FOOLS" was the day UR entire Western Civilization began its downward decline to hell m Earth which is where u find urselves now. Even the Prophets u revere in ur HOLY BIBLES went thru the same process but successfully because they WERE WISE and in those days people knew the difference between Human illness and a SPIRITUAL PROCESS of TRANSFORMATION and INITIATION. In addition to the community support and encouragement with this process since it was VALUE for what it was, a Spiritual process where GOD/DESS calls on WO/MAN for DIVINE SERVICE and LEADERSHIP. And after this latest shooting the stygma will increase and the cycle of will continue and i most certainly wil have to deal with it as well or inquisition style persecution. Since WE R revealing to u whats going on truly, mw u have NO excuses about delaying "mental reforms" which means u have the knowledge and power to bring about TRUE healing and so avoid and prevent these type of tragedies which also means that when a tragedy of these happens again and people die that BLOOD is in UR hands and UR guilty of manslaughter of both perpetrator and victim since NOW U HAVE the POWER and KNOWLEDGE to HEAL and HELP these incidents from happening again and yet u do not change, improve, reform, etc . conditions and therapies and just keep things as they are and continuing destructive cycle. As u can see, u r as guilty as that man only that he carries a label while u r off the hook because u dont carry one when probably u should because u truly are :). MURDER is EVIL after all in whatever way shape and form it comes about. However there is the COWARDICE of those who kill for a pair of sneakers or cartel territory and profits and , there is the PRESSURE within and without that leads someone to snap
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 21:53:16 +0000

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