Very well said by a wonderful person, now of the past. HE IS - TopicsExpress


Very well said by a wonderful person, now of the past. HE IS RIGHT, the flag had been forgotten. The flag which stands for freedom has been forgotten. We have taken our freedom for granted. Just take a look around. Need I say democrat, republican, libertarian, our stances on Russia, Ukraine, ISIS, Iraq, Israel, Iran, Syria, and the list could go on. We were once the strongest country in the world. Now we have dwindled to almost nothing. Since when did the flag never mean something? Since when did we never care about freedom? For some reason its wrong to debate political issues because we are afraid of offending someone. STOP being afraid. I am warning you right now before you continue reading I am not going to hold back, so if you are sensitive to being offended easily dont continue reading. I am tired of our government or lack there of. Before I am labeled insensitive, consider our national and global picture and the role to Big of role the American government plays nationally and the lack of role the American government plays globally. The political correctness police has crushed what America is. They have crushed what being an American all about. Its about faith, its about freedom, its about prosperity its about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have leaders that not only fail us but are failing us everyday and currently today. The reason our national security is at stake is because we have a president and his cabinet that dont care at all about our involvement in our world picture. We have a president and his cabinet that care nothing about the security of our border especially the southern border. We have a president and his cabinet who think that everything that happens that is bad is racially motivated, as clearly stated by the attorney general Eric holder. We have a president and his cabinet that think that spending our country into oblivion is the answer to everything. We have a president and his cabinet that involved themselves is issues that clearly are not of a national base such as healthcare and education. Why? Because its about power! Its about control! Its about socialism. We have allowed a person who is clearly NOT American to lead our country why, because he is one of those people who hates everything that we Americans have. Wake up people our leadership is a domestic terrorist threat to our own country. There are three people who could quite possibly bring this country back to the values and morals our country was once founded upon. They are Jesus, Rick Perry, and Ben Carson. Whether you like them or not, their love of God their love of this country and the freedoms which we once knew will make this country do a 180 back towards being that leading nation!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 01:32:53 +0000

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