Vibrational Medicine. Nicola Tesla once said, If you want to - TopicsExpress


Vibrational Medicine. Nicola Tesla once said, If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. The only thing that has changed from his time to ours is the illusion of linear time. Energy can be neither created or destroyed. Everything is energy. Energy follows thought (intent). Thought becomes belief. Belief becomes Reality, (perceived) and Reality, manifests as Destiny... which can be found in the dictionary between destination; & destitute. Now that were all on the same wavelength, we can proceed into the realms of vibrational medicine. Consider that we exist in a spherical energetic environment; in that we are constantly awash in energetic impulses of many kinds, emanating from all directions; all the time. Increasingly most of this electromagnetic soup is manmade, and as we are discovering, it is toxifying our very environment. Being that we are entities of light and energy it just makes sense that we should endeavor to protect ourselves from these emanations when we can, and to heal the damage they do when we must. I think the first thing we need to acknowledge is that all this isnt necessarily something outside of creation. It is the frequency of resonant vibration that accounts for creation itself. Allow me to explain as I have come to understand it. When you have an instrument, say a harp which produces varied frequency vibrations by plucking the strings, each individual string resonates at a specific frequency, or tone. Same with a piano, or tuning fork. As any musician will tell you, regular preventative maintenance is required if you wish for the resonance to be pure, and true. If left unattended for long duration, a layer of dust will accumulate, becoming stronger with time, until at last it is more akin to rust. Without being cleaned first, this string will not resonate true and pure...but instead will have a discernible, discordant distortion to the sound. This distortion becomes critical when we stop to consider that were going to base our choices and decisions on what we think the universe is showing us. Kind of makes a good case for zero distortion reception, which is probably not even attainable in this here and now, probably more of an evolutionary goal. As energetic beings we are very much like that harp, piano or violin string, in that without regular maintenance we too will start experiencing various distortions in our lives and the way we choose to perceive this rapidly evolving paradigm. Each of us is a distinct, sovereign energetic entity, not unlike the various parts necessary to create a symphony. In this regard, we are a standing wave resonance, no different than a tuning fork tuned to a specific vibration. Ever take an immediate and pronounced like or dislike to someone? We all have; and it happens every time someone with either resonant, or discordant vibration is in proximity to us. Each tuned tuning fork, (or human) is a standing wave resonance. When two, or more of these standing wave resonances come into proximity some mighty interesting things begin to happen. As these resonant vibrations meet, they create overlapping wave pattern interference, or overtone. The key element to this overtone is that while it has elements of each of the merging resonances, it is within itself, a whole new resonance vibration. This is known as resonance causation...and as such, it is sometimes wrongly thought to be creation, but nay...this overtone resonance causation, is the attractor, which then pulls creation out of the ethers, as it were. Video Link:youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4BcoghxsYos#t=0 Video Link:youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N10A8wKlGAs#t=0
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 03:42:59 +0000

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