Vice President Hamid Ansari was absolutely right when he didnt - TopicsExpress


Vice President Hamid Ansari was absolutely right when he didnt salute the national flag: Even as the country celebrated its 66th republic Day, this seemed to be top most on the minds of the self-proclaimed defenders of patriotism, in a disturbing incident of religious stereotyping that is absolutely against everything republic day stands for. Social media went into a tizzy yesterday, criticising the vice president by posting pictures on Twitter and Facebook showing that Ansari did not salute the national flag during the national anthem. What is disturbing is, why would Ansari need to prove his patriotism? Just because he is a Muslim? Outrage about Hamid Ansari is a bit silly. Saluting national flag is not mandatory. You just stand up during the anthem, and he was doing that. The tweets were so disturbing that Ansaris office issued a statement clarifying why it wasnt wrong not to salute. As per the protocol, when the national anthem is played, the Principal Dignitary and persons in uniform take the salute. Those in civil dress stand in attention. During the Republic Day Parade, the President of India, as Supreme Commander, takes the salute. As per protocol, the Vice President is required to stand in attention. m.firstpost/india/why-didnt-hamid-ansari-salute-the-flag-on-r-day-because-he-didnt-have-to-2066109.html
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:03:14 +0000

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