Vice President Joe Biden said that the Obama administration’s - TopicsExpress


Vice President Joe Biden said that the Obama administration’s economic policies have done nothing to help America’s middle class during a campaign stump speech for Congressman Bruce Braley (D., Iowa) on Monday. “But you know the truth: The middle class is still in trouble,” Biden said. “You don’t have to know the numbers, you can feel it. You can feel it in your bones.” Biden’s lamentation failed to inspire any hope or energy among the crowd at Braley’s rally. Instead, the vice president’s words hun[g] in the air as he pointed out that all the positive economic numbers the Obama administration touts have little meaning for middle-class families. “According to all the statistics, all the economic policy institutes, and all these groups that are outside experts in the economy, the gross domestic product means the nation grew over the last ten years by over 25 percent, and productivity went up over 30 percent,” Biden said. “But middle class wages went up by only 14 cents. Hear me? 14 cents. You know it. You don’t have to know the number, but you know. The middle class has been left behind.”
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:12:44 +0000

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