Video: Mastermind Behind Benghazi Attack Trained In The - TopicsExpress


Video: Mastermind Behind Benghazi Attack Trained In The U.S. August 24, 2013 by Kris Zane Comments (17) inShare.16 It is has been widely reported in Egyptian media that one of the leaders in the attack against the Benghazi consulate on September 11, 2012 was Mohsen Al-Azazi. According to Ahmed Moussa, a former high ranking intelligence official with the Egyptian government and several other sources, Al-Azazi’s passport was found in the house of Khairat Al-Shater, the Number Two man in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy, now under house arrest in Egypt by the Egyptian military. But according to an ongoing Egyptian investigation by Egypt’s Supreme State Security Prosecution, Muslim Brotherhood second-in-command Khairat Al-Shater was just tangentially involved in the attack on the Benghazi consulate. The actual mastermind of the attack was a man by the name of Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm, now in the custody of the Egyptian military. In what is reminiscent of the attack on the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon on 9/11, where some of the hijackers reportedly received flight training on U.S. military installations, per Egyptian investigators, Al-Azm, the mastermind of the attack on the Benghazi consulate, took military courses at a U.S. Air Force base. Per Muslim Brotherhood researcher Walid Shoebat, citing multiple Arabic news sources, Al-Azm is a seasoned jet fighter pilot and a former Major in the Egyptian Air Force. Per Shoebat, translating from a pro-Jihadi website, the Arabian Sword: Al-Azm is a former Major in the Egyptian armed forces who graduated from high school and joined the military academy, graduating as an officer of the Armed Forces Officers. Al-Azm traveled to the United States for military courses until he reached the rank of captain and was put in charge of an air base for the Egyptian armed forces. Per Shoebat, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had jailed Al-Azm for terrorist activities. But when Obama-backed Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi ascended to the presidency, Al-Azm was immediately released. But this is just the beginning of a blockbuster story. A Libyan Intelligence document dated September 15, 2012, names six Egyptians from the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia, based in Egypt, as being behind the attack on the Benghazi consulate. Then-Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi is named as a co-conspirator. Per Walid Shoebat’s translation of the Libyan Intelligence document: The most distinguished names that were obtained from the confessions by members of the cell, is the person, the President of Egypt, Mohammad Morsi… Along with Morsi, the Libyan Intelligence document goes on to name five other co-conspirators, all members of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the same Mohammed Morsi who Barack Hussein Obama was fawning over and sent hundreds of millions of dollars to in foreign aid. The same Mohammed Morsi that Obama is still supporting. But it gets worse—much worse. According to Arabic News Channel TV14 and reported on by Egypt Daily News, Obama sent an eight billion dollar secret bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood to guarantee that the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula be turned over to the terrorist group Hamas. Hamas, a Muslim Brotherhood sister group, works directly with Ansar al-Sharia in the Sinai Peninsula. Channel TV14 goes on to say that the agreement was signed by Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s second in command, Khairat Al-Shater, now under house arrest in Egypt. And what does Khairat Al-Shater have to say? He’s singing like a bird and says he has documents that will put Obama away for a very long time! As reported by at least six Arabic news sources, as translated by Walid Shoebat: In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater said that his father had in his hand evidence that will land the head of United States of America, President Obama, in prison. But there’s more: the eight billion dollars that Obama sent to the Muslim Brotherhood was shared with Ansar al-Sharia, the group that attacked our consulate and CIA Annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. That means Barack Hussein Obama in essence funded the attack on the Benghazi consulate! Funding terrorists? The mastermind of the attack on the Benghazi consulate trained in the United States? Obama secretly sending billions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood? Who exactly is Barack Hussein Obama, and who is he working for? inShare.16 Related posts: 1.Obama Bankrolled Attack On The Benghazi Consulate It has been widely reported in Egyptian media that one… 2.Obama’s Secret $8 Billion Bribe To The Muslim Brotherhood According to Arabic News Channel TV14 and reported on by…
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 11:52:31 +0000

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