Vietnam Gunboat: Join the Navy, see the World. Right... I have - TopicsExpress


Vietnam Gunboat: Join the Navy, see the World. Right... I have told of my first patrol on the 88 before. When we came into the pier at Cam Ranh Bay I was posted on deck. The Bosun in charge of the mooring pointed at the heavy bumper I was standing by and told me to throw it over the side. I did. The splash of something resembling an oversized boxers heavy bag hitting the water six feet down was nothing to the volume of the Bosun screaming YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TIE IT ON FIRST!! The bright red face, the nose that was almost touching mine, and the meaty finger thumping me on the chest got the message across. I messed up. And then I said But you didnt tell me to! Ive mentioned that my mouth is suicidal, right? I didnt get to stand on deck and watch the scenery when we pulled into ports any more. I spent my time when we were getting ready to dock in a dark little dungeon in the stern called After Steering. This was right over the rudders, and my job was to stand by a metal wheel and take over their control if the systems from the bridge failed. The linkage at that point was totally mechanical and my job was to crank in X number of degrees left or right rudder as ordered by the bridge. My view of the entrances to Da Nang, Hongkong, Tokyo, Subic Bay, and eventually Guam consisted of rare 30 second glimpses when Id vacate my post to scamper up the ladder and stick my head out of the deck hatch for a look at the outside world. The EO told me I was there because they needed someone dependable, with a fair amount of arm strength and and an ability to follow orders, but when Id glance out and see the Bosun glaring at me I knew the truth. I messed up.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 01:35:44 +0000

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