Views of Dr. Muhammad Musa Al-Shareef on madkhalis. Dr. Muhammad - TopicsExpress


Views of Dr. Muhammad Musa Al-Shareef on madkhalis. Dr. Muhammad Musa Al-Shareef was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and graduated from the Faculty of Shari`ah, Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, in 1408 A.H. He obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in the Quran and the Sunnah from Faculty of Usul Ad-Din (Theology) – Umm Al-Qura University. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Islamic Studies, King Abdul Aziz University. The group of Madakhilah and al-Djaami’ah. They are, and I said to the brothers over there at that house. They are a deviant group. DEVIANT! And we have in the committee of the senior scholars, scholars who wrote Fatawa(Islamic verdicts) about their deviation. As a matter of fact they have tired a lot of people in the muslim countries. They have really tired the people with deviant fatawa and ideologies. They have not left a scholar, caller to islam or a Islamic thinker without declaring them to be innovator, sinner or a kafir . Audhu Billah !! . They judge people they treat them bad and they deteriorate the ties between the people and their scholars. A misguided sect, we ask Allah to guide them to the straight path, and we ask Allah to turn them and to turn them back to us. The group is destroying Tunisia right now by saying that what happened against Ben Ali is khurooj against the muslim leader. And that it is not allowed in Islamic shariah. I am amazed, that people attribute as humiliation and laziness to islam. That a muslim stays humiliated, lazy, banned and far away from his islam, far way from his Quraan, a women far away from her hijab. And then they say that this is from islam and we need to stay patient. Audhu Billah!! Audhu Billah!! This is not how islam is. Islam came to liberate the people Umar ibn-Al-khattab (ra) asked his people: “what are you going to do if you see any crookedness in me.” They said: “we will straighten it with our swords.” And this is Umar radiyallahu anhu, best of the people in his time. The best among the sinless people the day he took over the khilafa ( from Abu Bakr( ra) and they say to him we will straighten it with our swords.” Let alone Ben ali, Al khaddafi, Mubarak and Bashar! What would they say to them? So they come and make a show like they did in Libya where they said: “what happened in Libya is haram.” I said them: “this is Al-khaddafi al-zindeeq (heresy) the one who sowed corruption in land and the people for 43 years is it haram to topple him? Where is the intellect, and what is this way of thinking o brothers? So I said this is not what Prophet ( SAW) called for. Islam came to liberate the people to liberate the people from worshipping creation , to worshipping the creator ( Allah ). From the injustice of another religion to the justice of Islam and from the distress of worldly life to the happiness of hereafter. The happiness of worldly life and hereafter. So if you say that it is haram to topple Ben Ali, Al khaddafi, Bashar and Mubarak . then this ideology needs a lot of attention and correction. Because this is corrupt way of thinking. They spread rumours in Tunisia that it is Haraam what the muslims did so the brothers came to me full of doubt and they ask how can this be Hraam while we strived and protested for the sake of Allah to topple this taghoot( tyrant). I said to them, what you have done is best deeds that brings you closer to Allah and from the bestr acts of worship.ignore those people. Their way of thinking is corrupt. Those people are deviators and sow corruption on the earth ignore and don’t listen to them. They have deviated the lands and people with their corrupt, suspicious and evil, fatwas. We ask Allah for protection and welfare. This is what I have found on this matter and I wanted to share this with you. Not only the people of Tunisia. But Tunisia , Egypt , Libya , Syria the countries where there have been revolutions. Or are still going on. So the hearts of the people can feel safe, the brothers did not do any evil at all. They did not unjustly topple a leader, because it’s a duty to topple such a leader like the scholars of Ahlul-sunnah wal jamaah said “it’s a duty to topple him, as long as fitna is minimum.” ( as little as possible damage/ loss ). youtube/watch?v=GMLoEIxsSHI
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 02:22:10 +0000

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