Vinegar - The Natural Nutritional Supplement and Cleanser but Do - TopicsExpress


Vinegar - The Natural Nutritional Supplement and Cleanser but Do You Use it to its Full Potential? I have had three clients in three days share stories of how their dogs have benefited from the use of vinegar. One was bathing the dog frequently because of doggy smell and was happy to learn of applying vinegar in lieu of bathing. Another credits vinegar with finally curing chronic, chronic ear problems where the dog suffered from extreme yeast. The third told me of her dog in a room where strong amounts of Febreze and other cleaners had recently been used and were causing her dog extreme distress and anxiety. As she so aptly put it, think of all you use to clean and spray, and now think of all of that stuff falling to the floor where your dog is - imagine that... Since that is where everything you spray lands you want to make sure you are confident with the products you are using and that they are not over scented or harmful to your pet. What this customer did for her dog was spray the floor with Apple Cider Vinegar. She said the affect and response were immediate - somehow the vinegar deactivated cleansers and the dog calmed right down! Nearly all of vinegar’s human uses can be applied to pets. Apple Cider Vinegar seems to be the favourite but White Vinegar is also good especially if the dog has a light coat where the coat is being treated externally. Because puppies and some dogs have sensitive skin, test a small area by applying vinegar or a vinegar-based herbal tincture (liquid concentrate) recommended for topical use. Check the area every few hours for up to 24 hours. If redness or irritation develops, dilute the vinegar and try again or discontinue use. This type of patch test is not necessary when applying vinegar that will be washed or rinsed off within a few minutes. Here are just some of the things Vinegar is good for: Insect Repellent (including fleas and ticks) Pet stains and odours Digestion Antiseptic Muscle Sprains Improvement of Skin and Coat Reduction of Itching and Scratching Elimination of Tear Stains on Face Increased Mobility Want to learn more?: whole-dog-journal/issues/15_01/features/Pet-Uses-Of-Apple-Cider-Vinegar_20435-1.html?pg=1
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 12:40:26 +0000

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