Virginia is for lovers again and it is an important state. It - TopicsExpress


Virginia is for lovers again and it is an important state. It serves as an indicator for the direction of the country. Last night, we saw a defeat of the Tea Party in VA (Thank GOD). The democrat, Terry McAuliffe, won with women and single people. The same crowd who elected Obama in 2012. WOMEN WILL DECIDE 2016 no matter who runs. WOMEN have the power (and Im not even being rah-rah - just stating fact). Chris Christie won a 2nd term in NJ last night. He is preparing to run in 2016. If he is the ticket, he HAS A CHANCE of becoming the president. He appeals to moderates and blue collar Americans. It may be that his popularity remains only within New Jerseys borders and will not extend to the entire nation but we wont know until we know. He wants to come off as the honest American pie Jersey boy politician and promotes himself that way. It is believable to a degree, especially when we saw how reacted with hurricane Sandy. He ignored Romney and embraced Obama....pissing off the GOTP - looking all rogue. While he looked like a hero, he had an agenda. He didnt want Romney to win. HE WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT. He definitely looks sane compared to the current clown car of possible 2016 candidates (Cruz, Nugent and Ahhhnold). Have a look at where he stands on some of the issues and dont allow yourself to be fooled. Know the facts. From Emilys List: Christie is anti-choice, and has decisively blocked access to reproductive healthcare for women in New Jersey. He vetoed a budget bill that would have given $7.5 million dollars to family planning organizations like Planned Parenthood, and has implemented funding cuts that led to the closure of six family planning clinics. He vetoed equal pay legislation. Many times. And he referred to attempts to eliminate wage discrimination in government contracts as “senseless bureaucracy.” Christie’s budget cuts targeted poor and working families and included: $46.5 million taken from Tuition Aid Grants, a college aid program for students from low-income families, $537,000 from the Wynona M. Lipman Child Advocacy Center in Newark for abused children, and $10 million from Legal Services, which provides much needed legal aid for low income individuals. Christie vetoed a minimum wage increase which hurt working families all across the state. But he approved a record $1.57 billion in ineffective corporate tax cuts. He’s willing to give millionaires and billionaires a break at the expense of struggling families, who have even more trouble accessing healthcare and education because of his budget cuts. Christie used a state helicopter for personal travel. The helicopter costs $2,500 an hour to operate. Christie is known as one of the most anti-union governors in the country and has worked tirelessly to dismantle workers rights in New Jersey. He supported a bill that could have destroyed collective bargaining and has unapologetically referred to union leaders as “thugs.” Under Christie’s watch, New Jersey ranks 48th in unemployment which is unsurprising considering Christie’s regressive economic policies. Voters disapprove of his handling of jobs and the economy, top priority issues for the upcoming election. Christie praised the infamous Ryan Budget, the regressive anti-family legislation that would have ended Medicare as we know it, cut food assistance for struggling families, and defunded Planned Parenthood. Voters across the country rejected the Ryan Budget last November. Christie is a right-wing Republican. And he wants to be your President. He has national ambitions and a relentlessly anti-woman, anti-family record, a dangerous combination that means we have to expose his extremism now, and prevent him from trying to take his regressive agenda nationwide. His positions on everything from reproductive healthcare and equal pay to workers rights prove that he just doesn’t have the same priorities as the electorate.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:01:02 +0000

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