Vision ------- Vision - the act or power of sensing with the - TopicsExpress


Vision ------- Vision - the act or power of sensing with the eyes; sight The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be: prophetic vision. The purpose of having a vision is to give you direction and passion. A vision is the capability to see beyond your current reality, creating and inventing what does not now exist and becoming what you are not right now. A vision should help in setting direction, establishing priorities and clarifying goals. If your vision does not help you in clarifying the direction you are traveling in, its not doing its job. Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion. It lights a fire inside of you, giving you renewed energy and commitment, so you keep going through the hardships. Vision gives you your why. It helps you answer the question what do want out of life? Vision is where you set the foundation for a life worth living. Vision is the bridge between the present and the future, without it we perish or go unrestrained. Proverbs 29:18 says Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Those without vision spend their lives taking the path of least resistance as they try to avoid discomfort. A vision is essential to having a more positive outcome and vital to success. Having a vision for ones life is one of the most important factors in the path of your success, whatever your definition of success is. You feel much more valuable as a person when you set and achieve visions and goals. When visions and goals are set and defined, the value of the person is increased exponentially. Since all material things move from the non-physical to the physical reality, our vision and goals are paramount in the process of achievement. Our vision and focus acts like a magnet that attracts and connects pieces together. When you lack a vision of want you want out of life, who you want to be be, or how you want to succeed, you begin to lack drive and your life becomes just an order of events. A strong and current vision connects with your passions and greatest potentials. A vision opens your mind up to the many possibilities and a brighter and bigger future. When you can envision a future that is better, happier and more productive, you are more likely to make the changes that are necessary to reach that type of life. The destination of your vision should be spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual. Habakkuk 2:2 -3 says And The Lord answered me: Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end - it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for,it; it will surely come; it will not delay. God uses dreams and visions to communicate with people. He uses visions to reveal His plan and to further His plan, and to put His people in places of influence. God also used visions and dreams to identify Jesus and to establish His church. Jesus said that our eyes are the windows of our heart. Paul prayed that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened. In other words, we perceive with our eyes but we see with our hearts. Jesus said in John 8:32, You will know the truth and the truth will make you free. The word truth used here is not referring to the Bible itself, but here the word truth means reality. Jesus is saying you will understand what is real and that will free you. True Godly vision consists of foresight, insight and oversight that come from His sight. Foresight is like looking at life through a telescope. This outlook allows us to know what is ahead as it connects us to our future. Foresight is the element of vision that help makes life make sense. Insight is like viewing life through a microscope. This perception gives us an understanding of why things happen in life. It also helps determine the underlying motivations of the heart. Oversight puts life into context. It is like flying over our house in a helicopter. There is a perspective that we only can receive from the vista that helps us understand where we are with respect to everything else. The book of I Chronicles 12:32 says, That these men understood the times and had knowledge of what Israel should do. People that are blessed with this type of vision often have great wisdom concerning the seasons of life. His sight assures us that the vision we have is from God. A vision from The Lord creates a mission for heaven. This is illustrated in the life of Moses when he went up to the mountain, receive a vision of the tabernacle, and was told to construct it according to the pattern that he had received. Visions like this are just pipe dreams without some sort of administrative plan to complete them. The first part of accomplishing any vision is to take it from the unseen world and bring it to the natural realm. This can be accomplished by simply writing down the vision. Articulating the vision on a piece of paper pulls the dream that is in your spirit into the visible world so that others can capture it in their own hearts. The next step is to create a plan to accomplish the mission. In Proverbs 15:22 and 16:1 it says, Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed; the plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from The Lord. From these two verses we see that the vision must be from God Himself, men are to help develop the plan that brings about the fulfillment of the vision. If the vision is so,large that it requires the help of Heaven (which it often times does when it is really from God), it will be important that the visionary impart the vision and the faith to see it accomplished. I Timothy 1:4 says, The administration of God is by faith. People often disguise their fear as wisdom when they enter into a supernatural mission that can only be accomplished by God. For years the people of God have often settled for what can be accomplished by human effort and ability, because we have allowed the opinion of he faithless people to determine what we will achieve, instead of being faithful (faith-filled) to the vision we saw on the mountain. This is a perversion of the gospel of the Kingdom. We should never settle for anything less than what Gold told us to do, or what we can have. After the plan is established, goals must be set. Philippians 3:14 says, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Goals are simply the vision broken down into smaller pieces that are measurable in time and space. In other words, they are specified parts of the mission that we will accomplish by a predetermined date. Many people dont like to set goals because they think that if they are not able to accomplish them on time, they have failed. The truth is that if fail to plan, you plan to fail. Setting a goal is what gives a vision a sense of urgency. This final stage is seeing your vision accomplished is establishing your steps. Proverbs 16:9 says, The mind of a man plans his way, but The Lord directs his steps. Psalms 37:23-24 says, The steps of a man are established by The Lord, and He delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong, because The Lord is the one who holds his hand. Steps are our day-in, day-out walk with God. When your vision is honestly birthed by God Himself, He will be delighted to direct your steps. The most important thing to remember about your steps is that they should be found somewhere in your mission.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 20:45:10 +0000

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