Volume Seven, Greetings from Heaven July 30, 2004 St. - TopicsExpress


Volume Seven, Greetings from Heaven July 30, 2004 St. Ignatius My dear brothers and sisters, I feel such joy in this work. I hope I can transmit some of my joy to you. I am joyful for many reasons. First, I am joyful to be with God and to know that I have completed my time on earth in love for Him. This brings me joy. I am also joyful because God is allowing me to work with you in this mission of mercy to the world. God intends to allow many graces to fall from heaven. We, His chosen saints, will be responsible for delivering many of these graces. It is for this reason we keep telling you to ask us for help. We have many graces at our disposal and if they run out, He will replenish them. They are a bottomless sack so to speak so the more we use, the more we can obtain. Ask, ask, ask. I am joyful because the time of darkness on the earth nears its end. We love you very much. Think of your most beloved friend on the earth. This can be a family member, a parent, a child, a spouse, or a fellow worker. You want the best for that person. When you see him make a mistake you are saddened and grieved. But you do not stop loving him. Indeed, you wish him well and try to find a way to explain to him that he has made a mistake and that while he may be in a fog, you can see clearly how he should avoid that mistake in the future. We are that way with you. We have made your mistakes, we have accomplished your goals, and we have achieved heaven. Now we want to help you. The fact that Jesus has allowed us such latitude is exciting to us because we can help you in ways we normally could not. Imagine how we are yearning to begin. But you must ask. Some prayers must originate on earth and the graces we have at our disposal, for the most part, must be granted in response to your prayers and requests. Please. Begin to request our help. Now do not be like children asking for new bicycles when you do not need new bicycles. I tease you a little here, my friends, but you understand. Do not ask for worldly things that Jesus may consider bad for you. But, because we are your friends, we do not judge you. So do ask and if you are asking for something inappropriate, you will know because we will gently convey disapproval at your request. You will not, though. You will ask for help in matters that are important to you. You will ask for help in your work, your finances, and your families. And we will help. Brothers and sisters, ask us please to help you to obtain spiritual gains.This pleases all of heaven. So you must say, “Ignatius, I do not understand how I can work so hard and not care about the outcome of my labors.” I will assist you. I will help you to understand why God often allows you to work with little reward. It is the work that is molding your soul, my friend, not the reward. You are working to become better, or stronger, or simply to be God’s worker. God’s workers are needed everywhere. Many of God’s most holy workers spent their lives doing things like sweeping floors and cleaning after others. They were servants on earth. You must believe that they are princes and princesses in the heavenly Kingdom. So work in joy. Have joy in your work. I love you. Your heavenly mother Mary loves you. All of your brothers and sisters here in heaven love you. God loves you. And we all want to help you.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:00:00 +0000

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