Voting day results were so lopsided it was like the sinking of the - TopicsExpress


Voting day results were so lopsided it was like the sinking of the Titanic for liberals. The Republican domination should be dubbed as the political version of The Revenge of the Sith. Across the nation right now, Tea Partiers are doing their Rocky Balboa dance while shouting the South will rise again! LOL! But in all seriousness, how did such a thumping happen? The answer is hubris, karma, and overconfidence. Because of hubris (exaggerated pride or self-confidence), liberal politicians, once poised for a sweeping victory, were caught sleeping at the wheel. The way many of these liberals distanced themselves from President Obama just to gain sympathy votes from moderates and Republicans was pathetic, and their snake-oil sales pitch were sniffed out by the American people. Many of them will wake up this morning with defeat weighing their hearts and the law of karma on their minds. Also, once again, a significant chunk of Americans stayed home and didnt vote (Im looking at you 18-29 year olds). Maybe its overconfidence, apathy, ignorance, or an unrealistic belief that Obama is Superman and can leap talk buildings in a single bound, but many people STILL do not realize that midterm elections are extremely important to legislation that directly affects YOU at a state and local level. This is the real reason why Republicans have retained Congress and won the Senate. Their voter base is very consistent. If liberal campaigns dont want to get steamrolled like Tyson against Holyfield, theyll need to remedy this. Turning out to vote for a president every four years is not enough. Youd think many of these people would have learned from 2010, which makes the irony of these results just incredible! Those set to be hurt the most by the inevitable budget cuts will be those relying on govt. assistance in some shape or form, precisely the ones who didnt show up to the polls, and ultimately the same ones wholl complain the most during these next two years. As my grandmother used to say, a hit dog screams the loudest. Hubris. Karma. Overconfidence. Learn these lessons, folks.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:22:29 +0000

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