W/S Public presentation of the Committee to support the fight - TopicsExpress


W/S Public presentation of the Committee to support the fight against fascism in Ukraine SOT, Karlos, Member of Committee Euskal Herria Donbass (in Spanish): Although the Western media try to sell us a conflict between Ukrainian and Pro-Russian people, we are sure that its a civil war where the working folks from Donbass just rose up for their rights and against fascism. W/S Audience SOT, Karlos, Member of Committee Euskal Herria Donbass (in Spanish): We make an appeal to the Basque society to show active and efficient solidarity with the inhabitants from Donbass and Ukraine that are suffering [in] this situation. We want to break up the blockade of the mass media and to send all the humanitarian aid possible to the refugees and victims of the conflict and to show solidarity with the political powers that are resisting against the coup detat in Ukraine. We also want to accuse the non-democratic and fascist characters of the EU, the US government, and NATO of their warmongering policies. M/S Audience SOT, Karlos, Member of Committee Euskal Herria Donbass (Spanish): So far [as] the inhabitants of Donbass keep needing our help, we are going to be working, because their fight is our fight. We send them an intentional hug from Euskal Herria. They shall not pass! C/U Spent shells W/S Audience [NO SOUND AT SOURCE] SCRIPT Members of the group Committee Euskal Herria Donbass spoke in the northern Basque town of Alsasua-Altsasu in Spain Friday, as part of a public presentation titled the Committee to support the fight against fascism in Ukraine. At the meeting, volunteers reiterated their support for people living in Eastern Ukraines Donbass region, saying they wish to break up the blockade of the mass media regarding the conflict. The Kiev government and anti-Kiev groups agreed to a ceasefire Friday in Minsk, Belarus. As part of the agreement, prisoner exchanges will take place as well as deliveries of humanitarian aid.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 13:22:57 +0000

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