WANT TO MEET IN PERSON AND HAVE LUNCH THIS MONTH? Ive got an opportunity at the end of this month for us to sit down and have lunch, in person. And obviously space will be limited at the table, so Im only going to have a handful of people sitting with us. Im going to extend that opportunity to YOU, but first I want to be a little transparent with you... (Okay, here I go.) When I first got started with internet marketing, one of the biggest challenges I faced was that I was all alone. I didnt have any friends who were successful internet marketers. I didnt have any mentors that could help me. And there was a bunch of garbage programs floating around online that would teach bad practices and would keep setting back my success. I had to learn the hard way, on my own, through the school of hard knocks. I failed over and over again, often losing thousands of dollars in the process. That really sucked. It tested me. I felt like quitting all the time. Then something powerful happened that shifted my business completely. I attended an affiliate marketing conference, which was out of state, with the intention of learning some new techniques from these genius marketers. Sure, the techniques they shared at that event were cool, and I definitely learned a lot. But... Those techniques I learned from the speakers on stage paled in comparison to the massive value that I unexpectedly received that weekend! It started that Friday night. I was hanging around after the event. I was networking and I met a guy named John, who was super humble and was very willing to chat about all kinds of cool marketing ideas. Then people started coming up to us. Wanting to take pictures with John. And this happened for about 30 minutes straight, while we were having a casual conversation. Well, it turns out that John was a millionaire internet marketer. But I never would have known just from our simple conversation. And as we wrapped up our conversation, he invited me (a nobody at the time), to hang out with a group of affiliates at an after-party. We were up until like 2am that night, and I ended up meeting a dozen powerhouse affiliates - true game changers in the industry. They loved to party, and boy did they party hard, but at the same time they were all super transparent and very open to sharing anything. The knowledge that was being dropped in that room was worth 50x the price of the event AT LEAST! And thats when I realized the True Power of Events. Sure, we learn a lot while sitting in our chairs listening to the speakers. But... We learn FAR more from the in-person connections that we make with successful entrepreneurs in our industry. And the unexpected possibilities of what could happen are beyond amazing. I went home from the event that weekend a completely changed man. I immediately got to work on an entirely new level in my business, and things started to blow up. And when I look back, I wonder what would have happened if I didnt attend that event. I would have been in the same place. Alone. Broke. Struggling. Complaining. (yes I use to complain about things back then, I know, sounds crazy...) I would even blame others for my lack of success. Thats how bad of a place I was in. But after this event, I had a huge amount of newfound Confidence. For the first time I truly believed in my ability to 10x my business. I was always a super driven guy. And a hard-worker. And you are probably a driven entrepreneur as well right? But sometimes its the slight edge that can make the difference. Im forever thankful that I had the wisdom to attend that event. And thats why I want to invite you to have lunch with me. So lets talk about that for a minute. (Seriously, this is important for your business) Ill be in Orlando Florida later this month at a powerful Affiliate Conference. Its called Marketing Mayhem Live 2014. We will be networking with the top affiliate marketers in the industry. Including a special party with Vanilla Ice! Its going to be a blast, and Im looking forward to an amazing weekend. And heres where you come in. If you are one of my subscribers, there is no doubt that you are an Online Entrepreneur. You are an Internet Marketer, looking to take your business to the next level. And thats why Im passionately telling you... This is a must-attend event for you and your business. Period. For more reasons than I could share today, but Ill at least share a few. 1) Id love to meet you in person. Lets sit down, in a small group, and mastermind over lunch! 2) I can get you a VIP upgrade at the event for no additional cost! Ill provide info about that below. 3) If you ever plan to launch a product, this is the #1 best place to build your JV list. Seriously. So here is what you should do in the next couple of minutes. Im going to provide you a link below to visit the website with more details about the event. And when you purchase your ticket, be sure to submit your receipt to my support team so that I can connect with you at the event on a personal level! Ill put the support link at the bottom of this email. And most importantly, I have a coupon code that you can use for a FREE VIP UPGRADE! They said that my VIP Upgrade Coupon was good for 10 people. So if it doesnt work, reply to this email and we will try to help. But this is something that you need to take action on if you want to step up your business. So, if you are serious, read the first comment of this post with details of how to attend this event and for us to meet up in person this month!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:08:31 +0000

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