WAR AT BMC FC by BY SUN REPORTER | Last Updated June 27, 2013 - TopicsExpress


WAR AT BMC FC by BY SUN REPORTER | Last Updated June 27, 2013 14:27 | Sports . Related news. The longest fight for supremacy in the troubled Lobatse based BMC FC seems to be far from over. The war between the Sonny Phiri led group and the Tiro Kganela faction is still glaringly bloody and indications are that more trouble is yet to come. The resolution seemingly shared by the two factions to award 80% of the club’s shares to the new owner – and the remaining 20% for the other club stakeholders – appears to have sparked Phiri’s group into yet another offensive. It appears, afterall, that Phiri and his mates were not happy with the decision after sensing dirty tricks from the Kganela group. Now the Phiri faction wants to regain total control, and contends that the new owner should not have struck a deal with the expelled quartet of Kganela, Coach Daniel Nare, PRO Nelson Radijeng and Team Manager Donald Mopako as they had no mandate to discuss anything to do with the club. Perhaps now sensing that all odds were likely to be stacked against them, the Phiri group decided to take a legal route on Friday and instructed its attorneys of record, Itumeleng Otto Attorneys, to take the matter further. Among the instructions they gave was to write to the quartet warning them to cease with immediate effect any dealing that affected the club, including going public about the team being on the verge of new ownership. A copy of the letter in question was given to the would be owner, further cautioning him against making any agreement with the quartet regarding the club, and advised him further to be aware of the eventual consequences of ignoring their instruction, a move that is believed to have given the said prospective owner a scare. Phiri confirmed the developments and reiterated that if need arises, the matter may have to be settled in court. “I have watched these guys having a field day, castigating me and other members accusing us of being power hungry and imposing ourselves on a team that did not belong to us. He told Sun Sports that as things stood now, he was only waiting for their next move before striking again. “Our lawyers have written to them and will be awaiting a response from them before we give them further instructions; and I want to make it clear that I am the constitutionally appointed chairperson of this club, and therefore no one can sell the club without my consent under any circumstances whatsoever,” warned Phiri. He further issued a stern warning that should the Kganela group ignore their instruction, then they will seek a court order to restrain them from going ahead with their plan. Kganela, who doubles roles as a member of the anti Phiri group and BMC Corporate and Communications Manager, confirmed receiving the letter from the attorneys but revealed that it was not binding in its own terms. “This is not a court order and cannot bar us from going ahead and if these guys were declaring another war on BMC then they should come out clear as we also have our own legal team that can counter theirs, all we wanted was for the team to be in good hands and move on, but if they roped in their legal team, then it becomes a different story,” he fumed. Asked whether he meant that they would refer the matter to their lawyers or just ignore Phiri’s lawyers’ instructions, he said that they will soon decide on the next possible course of action. “Remember as I speak to you now, I represent BMC as a company and if we are to engage our company lawyers Collins and Newman, it would be a waste of funds as that law firm does not handle school boy issues, we will see how best to handle it and I want to advise Phiri to just accept that he has lost control over the club and therefore ceases to be a member of the Premier League Board of Governors, which I know him to be fighting for at the moment,” Kganela said. Reacting to the current fights surrounding the club that he is about to own, Esfandiar Ghodrati - who is of Iranian origin before acquiring Canadian citizenship - did not hide his disappointment at the recent developments at the club. “I have to set the record straight, that I should rather be working towards the purchase of the BMC FC as a club, and not its squabbles. I have instructed the warring parties to sort out their problems and should not under any circumstances whatsoever associate me with their problems,” he said. Asked to shed light on which people he was likely to take along and which ones he would be dumping, he said that he would not take all on board, “I want to make one thing clear, that in BMC, I will be buying the players and the coach but not Phiri and his committee, and it will only be after full take over that the new owners will decide who to recruit from the previous office bearers,” he said
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 21:08:44 +0000

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