WARNING: GRAPHIC. This is why we focus so much on awareness at - TopicsExpress


WARNING: GRAPHIC. This is why we focus so much on awareness at Active Self Protection. This is why we tell you to keep your head on a swivel and not be surprised by attackers. How could she have avoided this? Lessons below. I left the whole video together (its 2:17) to show you how long it takes her to come to after being attacked. Lessons: 1. Awareness is king. Would she have avoided this if she had seen the thug coming? Possibly. At least she could have prepared and countered his attack, perhaps effectively with tools. 2. Thugs travel in packs. Prepare accordingly. I know people like to talk about the average gunfight being 3 shots at 3 yards in 3 seconds, but this was a minimum of 3 bad guys. Knowing that accuracy in a gunfight is relative, I want 6 shots times 3 bad guys available to me. 3. Most people let their awareness wane around familiar places like approaching home. Dont do it. Take the extra second to look around and see if anything is out of place. 4. Transitional places are common for assaults. This includes parking lots and doorways. Be extra alert and ready in these places! Attitude. Skills. Plan.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 01:00:00 +0000

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