WARNING: ISIS’ New Secret Weapon Against America Could Connect - TopicsExpress


WARNING: ISIS’ New Secret Weapon Against America Could Connect Two Deadly Threats A terrorism expert who frequently warns about the dangers of radical Islam... Share Tweet Email Avatar of Norvell Rose Norvell Rose — October 2, 2014 ISIS In a little-noticed report, the Israel News Agency says the deadly Ebola virus may be spreading among ISIS fighters in Syria. The report refers to a study by Israeli security forces that notes the likely source of the infection: …dozens of ISIS terrorists have come down with symptoms identical to the killer virus which has claimed over 6,574 victims in five West African countries – Senegal and Nigeria are the other two – with 3,091 deaths reported. “We know that ISIS has training camps in Africa and it is highly possible that this is where contact with the disease was made,” said Avi, a global, anti-terrorism consultant. While Western nations fighting the Islamic State might consider this reported Ebola outbreak among radical jihadists to be welcome news, there is a very big, very dangerous downside to Islamic terrorists being carriers of the virus. Advertisement-content continues below A terrorism expert who frequently warns about the dangers of radical Islam, Walid Shoebat is now connecting the scary dots of ISIS and Ebola — terrorism and disease. On his website, Shoebat claims that ISIS plans on sending terror agents stricken wIth Ebola into America to infect and kill Americans. Given the Israeli report that Ebola is already infecting terror camps in the Middle East, Shoebat’s warning takes on greater impact. ISIS threatened the United States, and the allies, to spread the Ebola virus, within those states, if [it] continues to wage war on the organization inside Syria and Iraq. ISIS explained that among the viruses that its members can “synthesize and produce” are “Ebola and Corona”. ISIS also said, “…followers and soldiers of the Islamic State are mostly suicide bombers and all of them are ready not only to carry Ebola, but to drink Ebola if they were asked to carry and spread it in the United States.” The warning published at shoebat goes on to reveal other supposed communications from ISIS to its devout followers: Advertisement-content continues below “…the process of spreading disease is not difficult, it is easily transported in a bottle in your bag and take them from Africa to America and open in a air-conditioning duct or put it in the public drinking water by elevator doors.” The statement from ISIS also said: “…the process of cultivating bacteria can be done by any student in the Faculty of Science or Department of Biology. They do not need complex laboratories and even a makeshift laboratory can be made in a small apartment in which we can farm millions of germs and viruses.” In addition, a recent post at breitbart cites a leaked government study revealing the number of people from Ebola-impacted nations trying to sneak across the southern U.S. border: Among the significant revelations are that individuals from nations currently suffering from the world’s largest Ebola outbreak have been caught attempting to sneak across the porous U.S. border into the interior of the United States. At least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the current Ebola outbreak have either turned themselves in or been caught attempting to illegally enter the U.S. by U.S. authorities between January 2014 and July 2014. Read more at westernjournalism/warning-isis-new-secret-weapon-against-america-could-connect-two-deadly-threats/#RztlVRsP19OE6jah.99
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 00:02:50 +0000

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