WARNING: POTENTIALLY GRAPHIC, GROSS CONTENTS. VIEW AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. I literally just read a a facebook post that essentially stated the “Christian” writer’s opinion that the prayers of all the pour souls in Africa who contracted the Ebola virus went unheard because they prayed in the wrong spirit. According to this individual, they prayed in a spirit of fear and lacked any sincerity in their prayer. I realize that I shouldn’t spend my time thinking of such an asinine, repugnant excuse of an individual, but nonetheless I cannot help but vent. To ANYONE with the same thought pattern of theological idiocracy of that woman: How dare you? How freaking dare you? While poor African peoples, already ravished by war and poverty, deal with the effects of a terrible epidemic -symptoms of which include vomitting, bloody diarrhea, red eyes, rash, chest pain, coughing, stomach pain, severe weight loss, and worst of all BLEEDING USUALLY FROM THE EYES-, you sit safe in your living room on a nice comfy couch in America piling down a cheeseburger flipping through your television channels trying to decide whether to watch sports or a sitcom. You religious studies undoubtedly include attending a church two days a week and reading a NIV Bible that is fully available on the mantel place. Your god is a middle aged, white man who blesses the good people and damns the bad ones. There is a Walmart with fully available pharmaceutical supplies ready at your disposal every few miles, a pharmacy at every corner, and food literally all around you. You are a tool. You are a brat who is spoiled, has had everything handed to you, has never dealt with a truly unsurmountable issue, and you dare to think that you have the right to make such a ridiculous claim about a true poor group of survivors? Shame on you. So I suppose that every child who is claimed victim of organ harvesting just didn’t pray hard enough either? I suppose that every woman who has fallen victim of rape just wasn’t righteous enough? I suppose the children being massacred by an Islamanazi “caliphate” in the Middle East right now just aren’t holy enough in the Lord’s eyes. But you and your fat, cheeseburger eating, American consuming, brainwashed, Americanized, hypocritical, self righteous, slovenly self is Jesus’ favorite right? Get over yourself you pile of crap. If God took everything away from you, and put you in the position of those who are truly suffering....you would flip sides in a heartbeat. For. A. Fact. You’re soft. Undisciplined. You won’t stand when the time comes. I may have doubts about if God is real, if He is a douchebag, if He’s the bad guy, etc. But you know what? I am a whole lot better off than some Americanized bigot who thinks that because they have things alright, than they are better than everyone else. May God have mercy on your soul, because I know that I wouldn’t.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:41:24 +0000

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