WARNING: RANT AHEAD. I am rapidly developing a hate-hate - TopicsExpress


WARNING: RANT AHEAD. I am rapidly developing a hate-hate relationship with my MacBooks Calendar app (iCal). I LOVE MS Outlooks calendar - love color-coding my events based on event type. Love having the events open in a RESIZABLE window, so I can actually see pages of notes associated with an event. BUT since iPhone no longer supports synching with Outlook except thru Exchange server (which i do not have), Im stuck moving to iCal. And now, color Mama not at all happy. iCal - you suck! Why the #$%$^&* would anyone want to color-code every event in the same calendar the same color? Im not a secretary for a sales force, tracking 25 different calendars. Im an army of ONE, damn it! ONE Calendar - LOTS of different TYPES of events (meetings, kid stuff, b-days, dr. appts, etc. etc.) And why are there seven hundred and ninety-six freaking calendars on my computer? Ok, slight exaggeration there, but I swear, the damn things keep popping up - LIKE DAISIES!!!! And WHY is the event window so #%#^#& MICROSCOPIC? Pant! Pant! Pant! Pant! Grrrrrrr. OK Deep breath. Ooooohhhmmmm. Finding my inner Zen. any mac-xperts out there? Any way to make this nasty iCal better?
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:45:57 +0000

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