WAS THIS PROPHECY ABOUT THE PLANE CRASH? I hesitated to post - TopicsExpress


WAS THIS PROPHECY ABOUT THE PLANE CRASH? I hesitated to post this, but, I believe, that, we can, at least, pray about it. On April 13, 2014 this was prophesied. Whether it was a word concerning the plane crash that resulted in the passing of Dr. Myles and Ruth Munroe and 7 others is certainly debatable, but, worthy of deliberation and discussion. My thoughts: I. It seems general and not specific. a. The Carribean is a big place, not , just the Bahamas. b. It infers that it could be avoided. a. If precautions were taken, would this tragedy have been averted. Perhaps the Black box recording will reveal more specifically, whether, they werent or were. Speculation serves no edifying purpose. 3. At least, this wasnt a hindsight prophecy, to its credit. II. If it was a warning, did they see it. a. If not, one wonders why God, would send a prophecy, that was not heard by those who needed to hear it. b. You cannot heed a word, that youve not heard! III. Here is my concern and sincere contemplation. a. Obviously, the pilots and air control were aware of the weather patterns prior to takeoff. The flight was not a long flight. Less than an hour. b. Why Risk It? There is a time for faith. But, as Fred Price, wrote years ago, there is a difference, between, Faith, Foolishness and Presumption. He taught, God will keep you from falling, but, dont quote that scripture, if youre jumping out if a high rise window, in essence. c. As someone in-boxed me, said: Even, if we feel invincible, at what point, does good, commin sense, take over, instead of calling yourself, exercising faith? Something to ponder for sure. In Dr. David Yongghi Chos book, The Fourth Dimension, he shares a story of young people trying to get to a church service, with no choice to cross a body of water. They had no vessel, so, they decided, to use their faith and walk in water. Well, tragically, they, all drowned. He then makes the same point as Dr. Fred Price, concerning faith, foolishness or presumption. Finally, I know that God is sovereign. I know His angels are charged with our protection, etc... But, when the commercial flight turned back, why, didnt they. Sometimes, we assume, if we are anointed or riding with the anointed, all will be well. Unfortunately, that IS NOT TRUE! About 29 years ago, a flight to Philly from Columbus, was delayed due to weather. I had a forboding feeling. I was scheduled to preach the same night. It was delayed for hours. I kept praying, please God, dont kill me. I had a spirit of fear. There were issues between me and God. Finally the fear lifted. The pkane was releases. I missed the engagement. But, git to service late to tell them my stiry. REVIVAL HIT THE CHURCH JUST BEFORE THE BENEDICTION. The story put the fear of God in the people. I BEG you not to misunderstand or misrepresent me. I am not saying, the crash could have been avoided or their was some issue with God, presumption, etc... What I am saying: DINT BLAME GOD, nor, autonatically assume this was Gods will, because, their time was up. What I know about Gods ways is this: god sought Moses to kill him, when he hadnt obeyed the Abrahamic covenant of circumcision and then, intercession, changed THE COURSE OF HISTORY. Pilates wife dreamed and told her husband, JESUS WAS A JUST AND INNOCENT MAN! What if Pilate had washed his hands by not ordering the execution based on the prophetic dream. It would have necessitated a CHANGE IN THE COURSE OF HISTORY AND DESTINY. At least, temporarily. So, why did God send the dream? I dont know. If this prophecy given on April 13, 2014, was of God, what then? The late William Branham started preaching certain things that were so controversial, and he died teagically, in a car crash. He was Gods anointed, and a General in his day. Why? I dont know. But, IT IS INCUMBENT THAT ANY MINISTER KNOW, walk in wisdom, never deny warnings, stay away from controversial doctrine and always know, God, our Father, can call you home, at any time, just, like, Pres. Harry Truman recalled, Gen. douglass MacArthur, from the Phillipines. WE ARE SOLDIERS. He is LORD OF HOSTS. JEHOVAH SABAOTH, MASTER OF THE ARMIES! I pray that you do not take this post wrong. I mean no harm. Our hearts are broken. We search for answers. We SEEK AND WE SHALL FIND. AMEN AND AMEN. Your comments are Welcomed! Live Ready, Sir Brian
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:10:10 +0000

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