WATCH YOUR WORDS “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man - TopicsExpress


WATCH YOUR WORDS “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” James 1:19 Spoken words are very important and can have far-reaching impact on those who hear or listen to them. Words can make or mar lives. Unfortunately, words that are spoken cannot be retrieved and destroyed like letters, they are irreversible. No wonder Jesus said “For by thy words thou shall be justified, and by thy words thou shall be condemned” (Matt 12:37). That is why we must be conscious of what and how we speak. Like any other thing in life, our tongues and words need to be properly regulated. Many sorrows, hardships and difficulties have befallen those who do not learn to control their tongue. Lives have been cut short, supplies withheld, families scattered, friends separated, favours withdrawn, punishment meted and privileges lost because of wrong words. That is why the Bible enjoins “Let your speech be always with grace seasoned with salt” (Col 4:6). There is therefore the need to cultivate the habit of listening very carefully – mostly to God’s word (as this will transform our thoughts and words), then listen to what others are saying and speak only when we have something profitable and wise to say. You should ask the Lord for help in this area. Pray for self control and wisdom as you go out today. "He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life"
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 00:28:05 +0000

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