WATOTO CHILDRENS CHURCH MINISTRY MISSION STATEMENT To Partner With Parents To Witness Christ To And Through Children By Modelling Christ And Teaching The Word Of God, Promoting Integrity, Servant Hood And Excellence. HEROES DATE: 19Th OCTOBER, 2014 THEME: LIVE OUT LOUD TOPIC: Samson’s great strength- My strength is for serving God TEXT: Judges 13- 16 Objective: By the end of the lesson, children will learn that everything that God has given us strength, talents, wisdom etc we should use them to serve God. Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you so much for loving us. Thank you for the many talents and abilities you have given us, help us to use them to serve you. In Jesus name we pray Amen!! Remember these are heroes- 5-8 year olds, speak at their level and help them understand how powerful God’s word is and encourage them to love it and read it more and more. Introduction (5 Minutes) How strong are you? Have various items in your class that may seem heavy for heroes. For the fun of it, you could add some light objects as well. You could have a 20 litre jerry can with water in it, a bag of stones, an empty box etc. Display the items and tell the children that today we want to see how strong they are. Give the children an opportunity to carry the various objects in class. Link: How was this activity? From carrying the various objects where you able to see how strong you are? Today in our bible lesson we are going to look at a man who was so strong. Bible lesson: SAMSON’S GREAT STRENGTH Story telling technique: Action. Get the children to be involved in the action as the story is told. Get costumes for a better feel and practice as actors so that you know when to come in and leave the stage. Last week we learnt how God used Gideon to help the Israelites and save them from their enemies. The Israelites worshipped God and God was happy with them. Soon after that, the Israelites again did bad things that made God very sad. They worshipped idols, treated each other meanly etc. Then God allowed their enemies the Philistines to rule over them. They could come and kill them, take their children and mothers away as slaves and so they were not happy. The Israelites then cried out to God once again to help them. God heard their prayers and cries and decided to send them someone who would deliver them from the Philistines. His name was Samson. Samson was a special child. An angel had appeared to his mom and had told him that she would give birth to a special child who would save the Israelites. The angel told his mom never to cut off his hair as this was the source of his strength. Samson grew up and he knew that his hair would never be cut off and that his strength was to be used save his people. Samson was strong that one day as he was taking a walk with his parents suddenly, a lion jumped out from the bush! The power of God filled Samson. And he tore the lion apart with his bare hands. God was with Samson, and he did many mighty deeds. Whenever the Philistines came looking for him he would kill all of them. So this disturbed the Philistines a lot since now they could not control the Israelites any more. At one time the Philistines captured Samson and tied him with new ropes hoping that he would not escape this time. Suddenly, the power of God came over Samson, and he broke the ropes around his arms as if they were thread. There was an old jawbone lying in the dirt. Samson picked it up and swung it over his head. He killed a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey that day. Samson defeated the Philistine army, and for 20 years he led the people of Israel against the Philistines. Samson had a wife called Delilah. The philistine rulers approached her and gave her a lot of money so that she would tell them the secret of Samson’s strength so that the philistines would capture him. Samson lied to Delilah many times but finally he told her the truth. My hair has never been cut, ever since I was dedicated to God when I was born. If you cut my hair, I will be like any man. So that night, after Samson had fallen asleep in Delilahs lap, she cut off his hair. Samson! The Philistines are coming! she shouted. Samson jumped up like before - but this time God had left him. He was as weak as any man. The Philistine Kings grabbed him. They poked out his eyes, tied him with chains, and dragged him away. They put him to work turning a great stone wheel. Day after day, Samson turned the heavy wheel. But his hair started growing back. One day the Five Philistine kings put on a great feast to celebrate their victory over Samson. They poured wine and ate lots of food. They praised their god dagon and even brought Samson to entertain them. Now Samsons hair had grown back. Let me touch the pillars that hold up the temple, so I can lean against them, Samson whispered to the boy who was leading him. The temple was crowded with over three thousand Philistine men and women, and they were all having a great time, making fun of Samson and his God. Samson quietly prayed.Dear Lord, my King, he prayed, please remember me, your servant. Give me strength just one more time. And then Samson put his hands on the pillars, one on each side. He pushed with all his might. The pillars gave way, and the great stones of the building came crashing down in a thundering roar and cloud of dust. It all came tumbling down on the five evil kings and all the evil people who were celebrating killing them instantly. God had given Samson victory once again and he died. Life Application Questions: 1. Which people were in our story today? 2. What was the secret in Samson’s strength? (The secret was in his hair that had never been cut) 3. How did Samson lose his power? 4. What can we do avoid things like what happened to Samson? 5. How did Samson die? 6. How can we use our strength, talents, etc to serve God? Conclusion/Prayer: God works through men to do His mighty works and today we have seen Him work through Samson. For as long as Samson kept God’s commands, he did great things. God expects the same from us today. If He can work through things like hair to achieve mighty things, just imagine how much more He has in store! Sometimes we are going to let God down like Samson did, when that happens, repent, turn back to God and He will still use you to do even greater things because He works through people that love and follow Him unconditionally even when it is scary. Memory verse: Joshua 24:14 “Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness” Way of memorizing: Put actions to the verse. Activity: Take home activity of Samson. Closing Prayer: Lead the children appropriately. Encourage them to pray to God so that he shows them what he wants them to do for Him at school, home or even church. Thanks a lot for serving and May God richly bless you!!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:18:35 +0000

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