WB NEWS: TOYS for TOTS PROMOTES GIVING SPIRIT for 5th Graders: Howard School fifth graders continued the annual tradition of supporting Toys for Tots. Among the toys donated were Frozen-themed gifts, a Razor scooter, Kinex set, stuffed animals, and board games—for a total of 95 gifts! In their own words, several fifth graders share how the experience touched their hearts during the holiday season: “It makes me take my life in perspective. It feels nice to give to others that aren’t as fortunate. I hope everyone is able to have a gift under the tree.” –Landon Bailey “Toys for Tots is an amazing donation system. Every child deserves a present for Christmas and Toys for Tots makes sure that happens because Nice Matters. –Ellie Milligan “It’s nice to give toys to kids. I hope that on Christmas day everyone is happy that they have a toy under their tree.” –Jacqueline Wright “Helping others in need makes me feel great because I can’t imagine not having anything under the tree.” –Maggie Pepe “Helping others is the right thing to do, not just around this time of year, all year long!” –Makenna Walsh “When I donate toys to people, everybody wants something and they don’t get it sometimes so it’s good to donate. It makes me feel proud of myself.” –Jonathan Rada “It means a lot to me when I help others that are not as fortunate.” –Arianna Georgantas “Some people don’t have enough; some people have too much (so) share it.” –Rachel Smith “Sometimes it’s better to give than to get. Other people don’t have what we do, so appreciate what you have and don’t look for more. Some people don’t even have toys. So give toys to people who don’t have them. I always give just for fun. It’s good for the heart and you might realize the better things in the world.” –Jennifer Miranda “My parents give me so many things for Christmas. I love looking at all the presents under the tree, but at this time of year, think of all those kids who don’t have all the things I do. So I love giving presents to the kids that are less fortunate than I am, and that’s why I love giving Toys for Tots.” –Eva Adams “It means a lot to me to give gifts to little kids who do not have presents under the Christmas tree.” –Cody Roberts “This is what service means to me: it means to give others something that I have never used and give it someone that might not ever get the joy of having it.” –Madeline Bain “Helping others makes me feel good. Especially around the holidays, we get all new things and they do not get anything, because sharing is caring.” Jaedyn Skye Maher “I feel good about donating toys for kids in need.” –Thomas Sheedy “I brought in a puzzle. It’s better to give than to receive.” –John Prendergast “I’d like to thank the people who created and organized Toys for Tots for making children happy.” –Chase Ryan “I think it’s actually very nice, to give kids a chance who don’t get anything for Christmas. They actually have a chance to see their name under a Christmas tree.” –Dharlenny Sota
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 14:08:26 +0000

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