WE ARE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS KEEPER ! WORDS OF MARTIN LUTHER KING , SOMEDAY THAT PEOPLE OF THIS NATION WILL BE ABLE TO JOIN HANDS ALL TOGETHER IN HONOR OF ONE ANOTHER ! DO NOT THINK CAUSE IT IS NOT KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR , IT IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM TOO , CAUSE ONE DAY IT JUST MIGHT BE , WE ARE TO FEEL AND SHARE EACH OTHERS PAIN , GRIEF AND BURDEN , THATS IN THE WORD OF GOD ! PEOPLE ARE YOU TRULY SERIOUS , YOUR STAND AND VOICE TODAY IS NOT JUST FOR MICHEAL BROWN JUSTICE , BUT IT IS FOR YOUR CHILDREN FUTURE , YOUR CHILDREN CHILDREN FUTURE , AND YOUR CHILDREN CHILDREN CHILDREN FUTURE , THIS UNACCEPTABLE INJUSTICE BY THE LAW OFFICIAL AND ITS OFFICERS AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT MUST STOP TODAY , MY QUESTION IS WHAT ARE YOU CELEBRATING WHEN THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS HAS ALREADY SHOWN BY THEIR CONTINUE AFFLICTION ON US AS BEING EXCEPTED AS HUMAN BEING FIRST THAN CITIZEN , WHEN THE GAMES IS OVER GUESS WHAT , YOU ALREADY KNOW , THE LAW HAS BEEN UNFAIR AND UNJUST TO TO LONG , IT IS TIME FOR THE CHANGING OF THE GUARDS ! ! ! ! History is known to repeat itself ! Let us cheers for the Cardinals while our young is murders in the street ! The Cardinals administration and team have not support or spoke out on the unjustified murder of Micheal Brown and many others murders , senseless black on black murders in the city street , we all as citizen as well as any others law abiding citizen of St. Louis and Ferguson Mo. Need to stand and voice our concern for true justice if peace is to prevail , true justice never fail ) its stand because it speak honor , trust , loyalty , truth , integrity , beyond what man self-center and selfishness can ever serve or deliver , In God We Can Only Trust ! ! ! its your choice to stand and rally for where your hearts is there were your treasure will be ,when the days is over this young male victims could have very well been your bundle of joy Son no one knows what a day will bring , thats why God said in his word seek to do GOOD and not EVIL for that is the only hope and reward we have in this life on earth , GOD BLESS YOU AND EVERYONE , IT TIME FOR THE CHANGING OF GUARDS ! ! ! I can say I am happy for the Cardinals and St. Louis Mo. But the bloods of Micheal Brown still cry out of the city street for Justice so I feel no joyful celebration of any kind in my spirit when injustice still rule in the land and it is so so sad that there are many many thats celebrating when you being desecrated as a nation of people openly without any remorse from those that govern our laws and land , peace be unto you let almighty God have the last , vengeance is mine said the Lord , 2 Chronicle 20 : 17 Amen Cory Bookers photo. Who is Vonderrit Myers? (KTVI) - Police said last night that Myers was no stranger to them and court filings explain why. Court filing show Myers had been riding in a car with a few other people on June 27th. Police att... fox2now Cory Bookers photo. Cory Bookers photo.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 20:58:47 +0000

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