WE OVERCAME THE DEVIL BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB We are occupying territory already. Remain positive and confess positive. Let the weak say I am strong, and the poor say I am rich. As we continue in positive confessions, devil will remain in the confuse state of mind. WHAT DID THE REVELATION 12:10-11 SAYS? OUR ACUSER IS CAST DOWN, WE OVERCAME HIM BY THE BLOOD AND OUR TESTIMONY. Rev 12:10-11 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ:for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (KJV) NOW, WHAT IS YOUR TESTIMONIES? POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE? REMEMBER TO APPLY THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND CONFESS YOUR POSITIVE TESTIMONY EVERY WHERE YOU ARE. THAT IS THE VICTORY WE HAVE IN CHRIST JESUS. I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOU SAY: I live in Miracle and a life of favour, cause I know who I am. If you know who you are, you will trample upon serpent and scorpion, even lion and adder. The Bible says, they will not hurt you. I did not say that, But The Bible, which means it is an ultimate truth. Continue to show love to the needy, it is part of our plans to overcome the devil and live a daily victorious life on earth before our Redeemer will come and take us away. Let us also continue to pray for the anti Christ leaders, who are tagged presidents of the world, peradventure they repent and be saved with their beautiful children heading to hell fire with them, because of their fathers evil over Christianity. Lets not relent please. The acuser of brethren neither sleep nor slumber, so shall we be awake and alert, for we are not ignorant of devils device. Have a wonderful weekend in Gods presence and protection is your heritage. I cover you and your family with the Blood of Jesus. Love you all. Evangelist Christian Chukwuka 09:07 17/01/2014.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 08:27:07 +0000

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