WELCOME ADDRESS DELIVERED BY SIRAJUDEEN MUHAMMAD, THE COORDINATOR OF THE EDO MUSLIMS FOR EQUITY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE AT THE FIRST SENSITIZATION SEMINAR HELD AT THE NEW AUDITORIUM, AUCHI POLYTECHNIC, AUCHI ON THIS DAY THE 12TH OCTOBER, 2014 The executive Governor of Edo State, Comrade Adam Aliu Oshiomhole, the State Chairman, People Democratic Party (PDP), The State Chairman, All Progressive Congress (APC), The State Chairman, Labour Part (LP), Muslim Traditional Rulers, Imams, Muslim Organizations here present, members of the press, Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I wish you all the greetings of peace (Asalamualikaum Warahamatullahi Wabarakatuh). We welcome you to the first Sensitization Seminar of the Edo Muslims for Equity and Good Governance (EMEGG). This body is a Muslim Social-Economic, Non-tribal, Non-violent pressure group whose aim is to ensure political and economic equity in governance of Edo people and to create room for self and collective growth, development, promotion of love, peaceful coexistence, unity, understanding, justice and general welfare of the Edo people irrespective of their creed. Most importantly, to educate the Muslim on their right to vote and to be voted for. Our Goals To seek a fair representation for Muslims in Edo State Governance. Having critically studied the state and its politics; it is obvious that the Muslims are not fairly represented in both elective and appointive positions. How will it be that in a state with not less than 40% Muslim population, we do not have reasonable number of Muslims in political offices? Brothers and Sisters, it is time to rise from our long slumber, we encourage our sincere brothers to rise and contest for election to various offices, we must all rise to say no to imposition of candidates, rigging, and godfatherism. Brothers and Sisters in Islam, it is time to have a joint Christian/Muslim ticket in Edo State Governorship position come 2016. Yes, we say it is possible in Edo State because it is possible in Kogi State, Ondo State, Osun State, Kaduna State and Nasarawa State just to mention but a few. All we are saying is, let there be fair representation. Dear Edo Christians, we say to you nothing but peace, peacefully we have been living together and peacefully we will forever live together, let it be known that our agitation is no way a threat to the Christians, we only want to enjoy a fair representation in Edo State just the way our Brothers in Ekiti, Ondo, Osun, Kaduna, Kogi, Nasarawa, Taraba State and lots more are enjoying the joint representation. We demand for fair representation into Edo State House of Assembly, Federal House of Assembly and other political appointments, most importantly, we demand for a Muslim Deputy Governor come next Gubernatorial Election, 2016. EMEGG stands for peace, justice, fairness and equity, this is why we condemn in totality the unwholesome killing of Muslims and non-Muslims in Nigeria and all over the world, not because they are Muslims or Christians but because they are created by Allah, hence we say enough is enough. Stop the killings! We also call on the Federal Government to continue its effort in ensuring the security of life and properties of every Nigerian. As lovers of peace, we demand for a Christian/Muslim governorship ticket come 2016. We also demand for a joint local government chairmanship ticket across the state. We demand for not less than 40% of all the political appointments in the state. Brothers and sister in Islam, this movement is not without challenges, the biggest of which is financial difficulties. We need your assistance to be able to go to the media to make our stand known; we need a medium of transportation to move round to sensitize our Muslim Brothers and Sisters. It may interest you to know that this group is not a political group, we are not sponsored by any politician or political party; it is a coalition of Muslim organizations in the state. We have been taxing ourselves since the beginning of this movement. The group is therefore ready to mobilize for any political party that will have the interest of Muslims at heart. We call on all Muslim groups in the state to be part of this noble cause. Once again, we demand for a joint gubernatorial ticket come 2016. We thank all those that contributed towards the success of this seminar. We pray Allah to reward you abundantly, Ameen. For more information call: 08052986041, 08050587059, 08037519704, 08053735616, 08051703836.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 11:02:06 +0000

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