WELL LIFE ON THE FARM IS TRULEY NOT LAID BACK as John Denver states. We have been blessed with beautiful weather. Lets see how our weekend went, today Brad put in more t posts for our fence, rototilled the garden, while I zip tied the fence to the t posts, weeded and replanted lettuce in the garden. Saturday & Sunday was pounding more t bars, more zip ties, more weeding, more rototilling and weed wacking. Friday was buying, loading and unloading a ton + of hay into the barn. We have decided to free range our birds while we are working at the barn. It is really funny to watch them. The ducks found the goat and llama water trough and have now taken it over as the swimming hole, the baby turkeys are so funny chasing butterflies around the yard, our two peacocks escaped out a hole in the fly netting and it took Kaycee, Audrey and I to corner them from three side while we orchestrated, 1, 2, 3, grab them now orders, and of course last but not least, Terri (my pet turkey) follows mom (me) around the yard while I am working and takes a dust bath at my feet. I find that it feels good to work outside or in the barn. When I come home plastered from head to toes in dirt, grass in my hair, a sunburn on my back with the shape of my sports shirt and gun holster, and dirt under my nails, I know I had a good day....
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 06:00:45 +0000

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