WELLNESS WEDNESDAY On Self-confidence By Valary - TopicsExpress


WELLNESS WEDNESDAY On Self-confidence By Valary Mumbo “Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the face.” - Helen Keller - People may have different measures for self-confidence but a story I read some time ago gave an example of what may be termed as true self-confidence. It stated, “When you reach the level where you can be amongst people who will pay no attention to you and you can still be self-confident, then you will be cured.” The being cured was in reference to low self-confidence that had been the topic of discussion in the story. To add to it, you will find that once you are ‘cured’, those people will end up paying attention to you. Why? Let’s find out. Self- confidence has a certain pull to it, that makes you want to be associated with it; be it by listening to a confident person, or being that confident person. You will want to listen because you have a strong conviction that this person knows what they are saying and that they are right. You will want to be the confident person because who doesnt want to be sure of themselves? This does not only apply to public speaking but in any task that you carry out. I have come to learn that once you are confident, very little to nothing can stop you from achieving whatever you want. Self-confidence is suggesting the great idea you have to your team or your manager. Self-confidence is approaching that mentor-figure and asking for advice. Self-confidence is standing by your informed opinion even when everyone else disagrees. Self-confidence is looking the person youre conversing with in the eye. These are in addition to several other manners that indicate self-confidence. However, we need to find the golden mean in being self-confident such that we are not pushovers but neither do we come off as arrogant. We should acknowledge that we know something or can do something but also be humble enough to know that we aren’t right all the time; we do not reign supreme. It starts by realizing that you are an amazing individual, an original creation and that no one that has lived before or after you will be able to be you, better than you can in this moment. Also, no one was born with absolute knowledge or absolute claim to all the success there is in the world; they took time and learnt and worked to get where they are, so can you! “Know yourself and you will win all battles.” - Sun Tzu- Have a lovely day filled with self-confidence!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:30:00 +0000

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