WESTON LANNERS SR about me : I ve been through a real - TopicsExpress


WESTON LANNERS SR about me : I ve been through a real serious struggle to correct the emotional abuse that i suffered my entire life. I had many people work very hard consistently around me for decades to keep me from being successful. that is true. Why>?? I guess they passed down what they were taught. People who have been emotionally oppressed also start to oppress others. I had many people close to me talk me out of my dreams, goals, and talents because they themselves did not have the courage to die for their own. At the end of the day, behind a mind like that is " SIN" and Satan. yes both exist. Sin is in the mind causing us to be wicked and Satan is there to capitalize on it. I believe the bible is true, I believe that God made me a talented martial artist, and I believe that we are forgiven by the blood of jesus alone. .. that their is nothing we can " DO " to prove that we are holy before our perfect creator. I had a terrible struggle with GUILT. I never felt good enough in my life. I felt as life people never would accept me, that I was the black sheep, and that no matter how good I performed no one would ever see it as good enough. Truth is, that is the entire human race. The bible says " the soul is never satisfied", so, many kids grow up trying to PROVE themselves to their family, to God, to society, etc and end up in total depression. Once we realize that GOD set us free from proving ourselves, we can embark on the path of FREEDOM IN HIM! Martial arts was never the problem in my life, in fact it maybe saved my life physically. I had a place to put anger, aggression, pain, and hurt. I had a place to learn and a place to spend my time. I had men teach me how to be a better man when many around me would not or could not. The double minded struggle has everything to do with whats above. I knew what was correct, true and right but the influence people had on my life was like a voice always speaking to me in my spirit saying the opposite. I studied it, prayed on it, and even got counseling for it. Truth is that decades of emotional abuse that was subtle takes a long time to heal. Once its spotted then the work begins, but, like building a business it does not happen in one week or one year. I don t blame anyone but myself! We are responsible for changing , growing, learning, gaining Gods wisdom, and putting it into action. When we choose not to take the road of Godliness we cannot blame God for allowing us to fall into temptation, confusion, sin, and passivity. The bible says" THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE". So when we seek the truth, we gain freedom. If we do not seek the truth then we settle for a life of deceit . We are AS FREE AS WE WANT TO B E! MISERY LOVES COMPANY : Most of my life when I made my biggest mistakes, I put the wrong people around me. The company we keep can be our greatest weakness. The most dangerous people in the world are those that hide in their misery and boast in your failures. They will keep talking about, telling you about, and focusing on your downfalls. They are messengers of Satan or they are people who are just straight up deceived into doing his will instead of GODS. I have ran into both! Some are bad seeds that will always be bad and others are on their way to health but still live sick. Both types are the type that will speak death into your ears until it reaches your brain! The worst part is that as your taking in their wickedness , you don t even know it. You ll be speaking death yourself because your like a parrot repeating what you have learned from those close to you. Little do you know you are pushing loved ones, opportunities, and health away from your own self never knowing it. Like a person with poor hygiene , you will spiritually be dirty and sharing your dirt. This is what I went through spiritually. I started to blurt out all the things that were planted in my spirit and mind to the point where I damaged all m y relationships. When I confronted my emotional abusers they all ran as the bible says. " THE WICKED FLEA BUT THE RIGHTEOUS ARE BOLD AS A LION. " They did not want to hear or see what I finally learned by the Grace of God for they want to conceal the fact that they themselves are abused and abusive. This is how sick people function. they keep a safe gate around their lives! They don t say sorry back, they don t pick up the phone, they won t let you send them friend requests, they will not admit wrong doing, they will refuse to admit that they are dying inside , they keep WALLS up so that people believe they are " gOOD " when truly they are not. I am back on a mission to regain a healthy life. I love God my maker and want to show the world that He is the only deliverer we have. My wife and kids saved my life because of HIS plan. They showed me how to be loving again, simple again, hopeful again and to stop blaming others for my mistakes and life. I have had to unlearn the sick mind I took in over the last 2 decades. God can heal us and wants to through his word if we are willing to believe and receive! The smallest seeds become the biggest TREES ! always remember that before you mock or make fun of someone who is down and out, or hurting. They may become your boss, or someone your watchign on tv, or simply someone who has a life much better than yours.. more righteous .. more peaceful.. more fulfilling. .. they may be someone who even NEED someday so that God can show you your heart and arrogance. I have always had a passion for writing, music, martial arts, and the bible. I believe that those are my talents and my gifts . When I found my grandpa henry dead in this front yard in a bag of leaves it broke me to the very core for two years where I didn t want to live hardly, and I couldn t figure out how to live. Life felt so purposeless with out the two people that guided me the most. Grandma hilda and Grandpa Henry. They were the most amazing people I ve ever known, not because they were holy or different than others, but because of their HEARTs toward God and people. they died for all those around them and put others far in front of themselves. They both died at about 90 years old. Henry was my mentor, th eman i looked up to, and the man I wanted to be like. When my dad wasnt there Grandpa took his place. Grandpa henry never cast me out and never stopped believing in me even when he was pissed off at me. The door remained open no matter what hell I caused in his life! That is why he was of GOD! I remember breaking and tossing all my martial arts trophies, my nationals and championship ones ,and grandpa henry finding them in the trash. he cried. he put them back together for me because his heart was so hurt. he watched me all those years train, and compete, and i shared that passion with my family. My grandpa loved the hard work that i put into karate and the outcome. It did change my character for the better even when people lied to me and said karate was evil. I listened to the voice of the enemy and hurt my best friend deeply. Grandpa wanted t see me finish my black belt and be a strong man of commitment. After my grandparents died and my sons were born God went back to work on my heart.. spiritual heart surgery! Life is becoming clear again . As two of the most important people died in my life, two of the most important were born! My sons! My wife and I have been growing closer to one another learning about the love of God, that we never understood before. Life does not get easier as we grow older, but, we do learn to be more mature toward life. That is the part of aging that must be learning through hard experiences. AT THE CORE OF MY STORY : GOD! I think that the many years of working in health care, hospitals, and places where reality was shown to me I learned about GOD. I learned at a young age that we are flesh and blood . More special that our body is our soul and somehow God always showed me that. I learned that the human mind soul and spirit was far superior to the body for the body will perish and the soul will not perish. It will be relocated into its proper place based on our choice in this life. Its eternal life or death and God has placed it before us. Life is a moment to moment choice.. there is always a choice and always a chance! ( Chris rene) :) . The bible says " THERE IS A SEASON FOR EVERYTHING", a season to live and season to die. Sometimes we go through seasons of death where all things get torn down and others times we are in a season of life where we are built up. The goal is to walk through those seasons the same way! With Christ, like Christ, and for Christ! that is Gods will for the human being. When we lose our way I did for a long time God will forgive us and receive us back if we are repentant ! Our heart must turn back to God. Once we repent , confess and pray that bondage in our person will go away like a miracle . 2012 for Weston : I want to just life healthy and free again. I am going back to finish my black belt, even if I have to start totally over with a new karate school. I want to do it the right way, without chemicals, anger, pride, and trying to PROVE anything to anyone. I m going to do it because Gods gift to me was my martial arts talents . period. I also would like to take vocal lessons and learn to play the guitar so that I can minister to people through music someday! I have two awesome boys to take care of and a wife to win over still. I have a lot of things in my life to get done this year. I am working on a book idea also, so, sometime in the future I know that the LORD will have that on shelves because of my story and writing talents. I m here FREE LIKE A BIRD ... and ready to stand on the necks of my old demons.... not just for fun but because GOD has given us power over the serpent ! in all situations ! not just some ! Being holy is not sitting on the side of a mountain wearing fine clothing, being holy is living a life with a HEART that serves GOD ! Its not being better than other people, its being your BEST IN CHRIST ! this is the life in I want! GOD BLESS WESTON SR
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:56:44 +0000

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