WHAT DOES OUR KENYA POLICE FORCE REALLY NEED?? Not one nor twice - TopicsExpress


WHAT DOES OUR KENYA POLICE FORCE REALLY NEED?? Not one nor twice but time without number has the quest to ensure the championing of the implimentation of police reforms in Kenya been an issue of enormous kernelty. All has been done from the implimentation of the new contitution through to the creation of independent police bodies running down to the ammendment of police reforms but none has brought ensconced and relief to Kenyans that may make them believe in the police force.The funniest part of it all is, what was jotted down under the police reforms has brought more harm to both the Kenyan citizens and the police body at large. Rather than Kavilundi and Kimaiyo forcusing on the ‘core’ they major on the ‘co’. Back in high school Mr Wara my teacher of English at Maranda ,tried to distinguish the two. He intimated that ‘Core’ is used to implore the great importance of something or something important per se. ‘Co’ he stated is used as to bring about the meaning peripheral or rather AOB. Kimayo and Kavilundi have majored their focus on the supremacy battle rather than focusing on providing the leadership that would bring the slightest betterment of the police force. But that aint of much importance to my reason for writing. I feel the police force is pasted dark due to the fact that since time in memorial or rather the epoch of it all,the police force has been used as a pit for those who have not done well in their academics. The police force has always been a better positive alternative for ‘academic misery’ before the public. It is also a belief that most police officers have failed to undertake the complete educational syllabus. The police force is where people with self low esteem have crowded and that is why the moment you tease or rather direct abusive verbatims to a police officer there are higher chances that he /she could blow of your head. When you tell a police officer ‘wewe ni mjinga’, it hits him not in the head but at heart and he or she will act violently or rather aggressively because he is hurt by that fact. Take a case where you intimate the same statement to a police officer with a masters degree in any major course. Surely if he or she is a reasonable prudent individual he/she will take it upon him or herself to rather convince you, who is calling him stupid to be more stupid in a more amicable manner rather than violently. I think in the quest to ensure the reduction of the police taking down citizens without conscience, their educational status should be key in one’s qualifications. Let us have the minimum requirement for one to join the police force to be a degree in any course not just any Tom Dick and Harry Jane inclusive who finds misery on his or her academic background
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 16:39:25 +0000

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