WHAT HAPPENS WHEN TRUTH INVADES OUR WORLD? The Gospel According to - TopicsExpress


WHAT HAPPENS WHEN TRUTH INVADES OUR WORLD? The Gospel According to John 8:32 the bible says"And ye shall KNOW the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free. "Now (John 8:36) If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." Wow" imagine what was Jesus disclosing in the prior passage....Here Jesus comes to a place where He is saying to the Jews "AND YOU SHALL "KNOW" meaning ( having the insight, understanding,believing,trusting) There are dimensions of KNOWING (1) outer court -some told to you (2) inner court -you come to a place of knowledge (3) Holy of Holies-God reveals the revelation of truth -divine knowledge, word of knowledge. "To Know something or someone there must be some sort intimate relationship with the thing or person..HHMMM.!!! A real KNOWING IS NOT A FLY -BY-NIGHT INTERRELATION. WHEN we say we know a thing or a person which means TIME plays a major factor in the process of truly knowing with out a shadow of DOUBT..Often times our opinions or belief are based on the opinions of someone else without ever intertwining with a thing or a person. So we must come to place call truth with ourselves concerning "WHEN WE SAY THAT WE KNOW ,THAT WE KNOW ,THAT WE KNOW, and what are our supporting factors of Knowing what we know? Is our knowing on based on our past experiences or the things that are seen; Perhaps through the knowledge of another individuals. For example, many only Know or have Knowledge of Christ because of what we have heard or seen others do or say. But to have had an personal experience or relationship an encounter with God we cannot explain as to who Christ really is..We heard through someone else but never has never come to a place call "I know God through His word and I Know God through personal relationship. The bible says "And you shall Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you FREE... How is it that WE SAY WE ARE FREE AND STILL TIED to past issues, situations. How is it that we are free and we are still STUCK, HOOK INTERTWINED,ASSOCIATED, ATTACHED HAVING RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE UNCLEAN THING.....HOW IS IT THAT WHEN TRUTH IS REVEALED OTHER WORDS WHEN TRUTH SHOWS UP KNOCKING ON THE DOOR WE DENIES TRUTH AND EXCEPT FACTS AND LIES, THERE IS MORE TO COME...SO STAY TUNE:
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 18:28:40 +0000

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