WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ARE UNFAITHFUL TO YOUR MARRIAGE COVENANT? Text :Malachi 2:13-16; prov 5:15-23;Heb 12:14-15; Ephe 4:31-32. 1)You will stumble in the dark. Most actions you take during this period will be directed by your emotions. You will think you are hearing God but they are whispers from the devil. The Holy Spirit will not instruct you to take actions that contradict the scriptures. He wont tell you to cheat, beat nor divorce your partner. 2) Your foolish decisions will trap you in a dead end. You may pretend that all is well with you but it is not. Doing what God hates demand a serious caution. Work on your marriage with prayers, Gods word and Gods wisdom to make it stand strong. Mal 2:16(Living Bible) says,Therefore control your passions-let there be no divorcing of your wives. It means you have a role to play to control your feelings and anger. It is your weakness in the control of your passions that results to unfaithfulness and divorce. 3)You weary God with your actions. You weary Him when you conclude that the negative actions you are taking which contradicts the scriptures are good enough, when what God considers to be wrong is acceptable to you.You weary God when your action shows that after all, there are models or even ministers of the gospel that are divorced.Let Gods word be your standard. 4) Bitterness and pains that spring up during the process of separation defiles. It can hinder you from making the rapture.Read Ephe 4:31-32. Why some couples take divorce as an option is bcos of their stubborn heart. Doers of Gods word on a daily basis prosper and are successful in their homes.lt is adopting scriptural attitude and behaviour.Dont use your anointing and position to excuse yourself from your duties towards your spouse. 5) If you can break your marriage covenant then it means you are not morally strong to keep your words. It also means you are capable of breaking another relationship. 6)You do not place value on the future of your children . They will not have the opportunity of bn raised by both parents. You will also inflict them with emotional pains. 7)You go through pains for not having access to your children. Frustration and physical ailments may set in. Esau wished he didnt sell his birthright. Do not take actions you will bitterly regret. 8) Children will be exposed to wolves and faulty growth when no more under your care and control. 9)Deprived of comfort you once enjoyed in your home with your family. 10)Heart break of parents, family members, friends and The society. 11)Finally,1Tim 3:4-5, It makes you incapable. With Gods grace on your life, u can make your marriage work. Go back to it. 1cor 7:10-11, recommends reconciliation. It is possible. AMEN.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:38:21 +0000

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