WHAT IF * FEAR * is really meant to be our GREATEST TEACHERS and - TopicsExpress


WHAT IF * FEAR * is really meant to be our GREATEST TEACHERS and HOLDERS of all of our required and needed spiritual UNDERSTANDING which we are meant, each of us, and thus everyone of us, to MASTER IN LEARNING OUR LESSONS of [ CONSCIOUS RESPONSIBILITY ]. We humans think we are being TERRORIZED by the PSYCHOPATHY thrust upon us by these few, sick, slick, elites, controlling ruling CRIMINAL CABAL, that 1% of humanity, who make claims to us, that they own ( ALL ) the RESOURCES OF OUR EARTH. This goes back centuries under the color of so-called laws, which in truth are not valid laws even in the least.. This seems to be true when we connect all the dots that make up our collective behavior patterns upon our earth planet. We, generally speaking, normal average JOHN DOE, are in truth and honesty not being assaulted by these OTHERS. We have learned the ART OF DISHONESTY TOO WELL! * You think, when you take time to thin connecting all the dots that you are being terrorized by by other people { i.e., the 1% }, BUT IN TRUTH YOU ARE BEING TERRORIZED BY YOUR BELIEFS BASED IN FEAR REGARDING THE UNKNOWN REALITY. What you are seeking in this New Year of 2015 A.D. { UNDER THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SUN* } are the wounds to your CONSCIOUS MIND and your familiar emotional spirit created by you BELIEFS. Your system of BELIEFS are the genesis and root causes of your FEAR. You fear DEATH because you lack any true spiritual understanding and REAL HONEST APPRECIATION of [ LIFE ]. The essence of DIVINITY and the nature of ALL EXISTENCE AS SACRED has been allowed escaping your attention. Your deepest beliefs are premised upon a foundation of falsehoods of an intentional deliberate DECEPTION which out of fear and ignorance we have nearly all of us acquiesce and unwittingly succumb, ALL FEARS experienced psychologically by any individual has its GENESIS in our false beliefs and gross MISCONCEPTIONS, SUPERSTITIONS,and BLIND IGNORANCE about GOD and LIFE here on planet earth - OUR COSMIC SPACESHIP flying through our Milky Way. WHAT IF * GOD IS ONE OF US ???????? An absurdity, OTHERWISE GOD IS A WOMAN~~~~~ If have ever really thought about it the ONLY POSSIBILITY !!!! It is not HOWEVER, as the song goes, * WHAT IF GOD IS ONE OF US *, no the truth is GOD IS ALL OF US and GOD IS EACH and EVERYONE OF US. God is what you yourselves are individually and ALL THAT IS constitutes what ALL OF US ARE collectively, God is therefore in our terms MORE THAN THE SUM of all we see in our little corner of the Cosmic Universe. to Simply because we have been taught not to trust our own DIVINITY and not to rely upon our own CONSCIOUS MIND none of these fundamental true facts have been appreciated, understood nor adequately contemplated for VALIDATION of their VERACITY. Fear cannot know LOVE nor know and understand the state of being we call PEACE. Listen my DEAR BROTHERS / SISTERS / FRIENDS / ADVERSARIES ~ WE HAVE ONLY ONE ENEMY, WHICH IS FEAR or IGNORANCE. Man thinks there is a difference that is significant between the REALITY of what PURE ENERGY, GOD, LIFE, SPIRIT, and MAN HIMSELF actual are. My dear MINDLESS TRUE BELIEVERS, all of these seemingly different phenomena are in TRUTH ONE AND THE SAME. If you BELIEVE IN LIFE, then it is impossible not to BELIEVE IN GOD. Life and god is the same phenomena. Now if you believe in LIFE, then you believe in PURE SPIRITUAL ENERGY, for ENERGY is just another term for LIFE. And so humanity lives in FEAR simply because of SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE. All human behaviors are sponsored by SYSTEMS OF CORE BELIEFS. Not understanding the KEYSTONE of you chosen system of beliefs you stumble daily because of your BLIND FEAR IN SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE. I cannot end this but to tell you this insidious ignorance and fear was ARTIFICIALLY FABRICATED INTO A SYSTEM OF PSYCHOPATHY WHICH IS THE BASIS OF ALL ORGANIZED WORLD RELIGIONS UPON THIS EARTH. All human BELIEF SYSTEM have their GENESIS growing out of our DOGMATIC DECEPTIVE RELIGIONS. ALL RELIGIONS ARE FALSE. ALL RELIGIONS WERE FORMED TO CONTROL, MANIPULATE AND ENSLAVE HUMANITY. Our species has for thousands of years continued to do the same things over and over and over again and AGAIN-AGAIN-AGAIN because our SPECIES ~ MANKIND has not changed its basic FALSE BELIEFS about [ * GOD - LIFE -. ENERGY - CONSCIOUSNESS - THOUGHT - SPIRITUALITY - MIND & SPIRIT * ] in millennnia. It is now time for every RELIGION on earth to be cast BACK into THE HELL OF FEAR & IGNORANCE FROM WHICH IT HAS IT GENESIS. Neither ALL THAT IS, nor any GREAT I AM or any ULTIMATE GOD has ever had any religion nor now or ever has any need nor requirement that any MULTIDIMENSIONAL PERSONALITY should need a RELIGION whose KEYSTONE is nothing less than FEAR & IGNORANCE. Ye are YOURSELVES all infant gods in training, meant to learn and master THE GREAT ART OF IDEA CONSTRUCTION. This cannot be done until first HONESTY is acquired the habitual mental and emotional practice in the focusing of the conscious MIND and the employment of its CONSCIOUSNESS. THE TRUTH IS NO GOD IN THE UNIVERSE NOR ANY SO-CALLED DEVIL or SATAN has anything what so ever to do with our COLLECTIVE and INDIVIDUAL STUPIDITY. Its our BELIEFS which is causing us to create this insane stupid shit on our earth. Nothing is more INSANE than WARS of MASS DESTRUCTION of life on our planet Unlike · · Share
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:26:29 +0000

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